[publication] TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants #research #twitter

Our publication about “TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants” got published right now.


This publication introduces a tool for analysis and visualization of tweets for a particular event. Recently, many related studies have analysed and extracted information from social media such as Twitter. However, the majority of those approaches are aiming at providing specific content-based information. The objective of this research work is to provide an overview of data collection for a specific event by analysing and visualizing all collected tweets. Furthermore, this paper will focus on applying the outlined approach when using Twitter during conferences and determining what kind of information is used for some specific event.
Two Twitter events have been created for this purpose and the obtained results are presented, explained and discussed. The result of data processing represents a summary of a Twitter event and allows an overview of various information such as the most popular hashtags, users who tweet the most, the most published links, list of all used software platforms, etc. It also includes a timeline of tweets in terms of years, months, days and hours depending on duration of events. Finally, the future of Twitter and the visualization of its data is discussed

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner. M., Harmandic, S. (2016) TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants. In: Wallace, K. (Ed.). Learning Environments: Emerging Theories, Applications and Future Directions, Nova publishers, pp. 175 – 196, ISBN 978-1-63484-893-0

[lecture] iOS Human Interface Guidlines for iOS-Platforms #ios #iOSdevelopment #tugraz

The lecutre slides for this year lecture on Mobile Applications at TU Graz are now online available. Enjoy it:

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[presentation] Human Computer Interface Guidelines #tugraz #iPhoneDevelopment

As now for 5 years now, I give my lecture on Human Computer Interface Guidlines for iOS platforms as part of the lecture “Mobile Applications“. Here you can find the slides of the lecture:

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[iphone] TUKey – Secure Password Manager #iphone #app

Secure Password ManagerIm Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2015” wurde auch ein Passwortmanager fürs iPhone entwickelt – nicht uninteressant für den alltäglichen Gebrauch:

TUKey saves your login informations in an easy and secure way. You choose one master key to access all your credentials. The data is stored encrypted on your device and can be synchronized via iCloud with all your devices. TUKey allows you to generate secure passwords and store them. Your stored data can only be accessed using the master key.
The TUKey Safari extension allows you to retrieve your stored credentials and fills them in.

  • Free and secure password manager
  • Data gets encrypted and is stored on your device
  • Password generator for creating secure passwords
  • Safari extension to easily access your login information – iCloud synchronization between your devices
  • One master key for all devices

This application has been developed for the “Mobile Applications” lecture at the Graz University of Technology.

[Link zur App]

[iphone] Seeking!

Seeking!Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2015” ist ein sehr schönes Spiel entstanden. Es geht darum mit seinem Team andere zu besiegen:

Enter the breathtaking world of Vikings and be their leader. Build up your own personal team of Vikings to find your enemies as fast as you can. Once you have found them, support your troops by collecting Gold Coins on the field and sending more warriors to defeat the attacking enemies and deal as much damage as you can to the enemy tent.

[Link zur App]
Darüberhinaus teste ich zum ersten Mal ein Umfragetool – mal schauen wie interessant es für euch ist:

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[presentation] Human Interface Guidelines iOS

Alljährlich lese ich die Einheit “Human Interface Guidlines for iOS” im Rahmen der Vorlesung “Mobile Applications“. Anbei der Foliensatz:

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[presentation, master] TeamSketch

Über die kollaborative Zeichenapp hatte ich schon hier berichtet, jetzt darf ich auch noch die Präsentation der Masterarbeit von Michael vorstellen. Er hat natürlich erfolgreich bestanden 🙂

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[iPad] Battleship fighters

BattleshipIm Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2014” ist auch das Spiel Battleship entstanden. Ganz richtig, das gute alte Schiffe versenken halt nur moderner umgesetzt:

Battleship ist ein klassisches rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel. Es wird ein Einzelspielermodus gegen einen Computergegner angeboten, sowie ein Mehrspielermodus, in dem du gegen andere Spieler antreten kannst. Der Einzelspielermodus bietet verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen für Einsteiger bis hin zu einer herausfordernden KI, bei welcher du deine taktischen Skills beweisen musst. Im Mehrspielermodus kannst du gegen deine Freunde, sowie gegen andere Spieler antreten, um herauszufinden, wer der Herr der sieben Weltmeere ist.
Battleship bietet atemberaubende Grafiken und coole Animationen. Umwerfende Sound- und eine einzigartige Spielatmosphäre lassen einen nicht mehr aufhören.
Die Segel sind gesetzt, alle Matrosen sind am Deck und die Flotte ist einsatzbereit. Wir erwarten eure Befehle, Captain!


[Link zur App]

[publication] What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis

Our publication about “What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis” is now published in the International Journal of Computer and Information Technology.

Twitter is a medium, which is primarily used for real-time communication. Due to the limitations of retrieving older tweets, archiving them is necessary to enable users to access and analyze old tweets. When analyzing tweet archives, more contexts can lead to better results. This research work aims to determine the value of context for an analysis of tweet archives. First of all the current state of the art of Twitter analysis research is discussed. Afterwards a tool called TweetCollector is introduced, which provides archiving capabilities. Additionally, a further tool for Twitter analysis called TwitterStat is developed. Finally a real-world use case is performed and discussed in depth. The research study points out that providing this context leads to better understanding of the analysis results.

Reference: Ebner, M., Altmann, T. (2014) What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis, International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 3/6, pp. 1390 – 1397

[Link to full article]