[publication] Perception and Acceptance of Padlet as a Microblogging Platform for Writing Skills #research #tugraz

Togehter with my colleagues we did a small research work about “Perception and Acceptance of Padlet as a Microblogging Platform for Writing Skills” in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).

This research is intended to answer the question, how are the students’ perceptions of internet technology in learning and how is the acceptance of Padlet as a microblogging platform for writing skills in German language level A2-B1 CEFR standards for the student. In summary, 21 students within the range of 19-22 years participated, which consisted of 2 males and 19 females – data obtained through opened and closed questionnaires. The results of data analysis showed that students had positive perceptions using internet technology in learning. However, students cannot accept Padlet as a microbloggingplatform in learning German writing skills due to several factors that influence it. This research has an essential finding: before conducting online learning, lecturers have to consider internet availability and the adequacy of reviews to their smartphones as a learning infrastructure.

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ Journal’s homepage]

Reference: Kharis, Dameria, C. N., Ebner, M. (2020) Perception and Acceptance of Padlet as a Microblogging Platform for Writing Skills. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 14/13. pp. 213-220

[publication] Bridging the Gap: A Computer Science Pre-MOOC for First Semester Students #imoox #mooc #research #tugraz

We did a short publication about “Bridging the Gap: A Computer Science Pre-MOOC for First Semester Students” and it was published now in the Electronic Journal of e-Learning.

Knowledge in Computer Science (CS) is essential, and companies have increased their demands for CS professionals. Despite this, many jobs remain vacant. Furthermore, computational thinking (CT) skills are required in all contexts of problem solving. A further serious problem arises from the gender disparity in technology related fields. Even if tech companies want to hire women in technology, the number of women who enter these fields is remarkably low. In high schools with no technical focus, most teenagers acquire only low‑level skills in CS. The consequences are misleading preconceptions about the fundamental ideas of CS and stereotype‑based expectations. Consequently, many teenagers exclude computing from their career path. In this paper, two promising concepts to overcome these challenges are presented. In 2018, a voluntary gamified lecture “Design your own app”, held at the University of Graz for students of all degree programs, was introduced. The course attracted over 200 students and received positive evaluations. This led to the second concept. In January 2019, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) with the title “Get FIT in Computer Science” was designed and launched in August 2019 on the platform iMooX.at with the goal to provide a basic introduction to different concepts of CS, including programming and the application of game design strategies. The MOOC was accompanied by an offline lecture, following the principles of flipped classroom and inverse blended learning. For evaluation purposes, we collected data at three stages: 1) during the MOOC, 2) during the offline lecture, and 3) two months after the lecture. The results showed that the MOOC framework was a promising approach to support and motivate at least a certain group of first‑semester students, especially those who had no prior knowledge in CS.

Abstract of the article

[Full article @ ResearchGate]
[Full article @ Journal’s homepage]

Reference: Spieler, B., Grandl, M., Ebner, M., Slany, W. (2020) Bridging the Gap: A Computer Science Pre-MOOC for First Semester Students. In: Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 18 (3). pp. 248-260

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 15 / No. 20 #ijet #research

Issue 15(20) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Intelligent Chatbot-LDA Recommender System
  • The Interactive Role Using the Mozabook Digital Education Application and its Effect on Enhancing the Performance of eLearning
  • Doublets in Legal Discourse: Data-Driven Insights for Enhancing the Phraseological Competence of EFL Law Students
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Geo-Education
  • Production Analysis and Scientific Mapping on Active Methodologies in Web of Science
  • Influence of Teacher-Student Matching on Knowledge Innovation of Graduate Students
  • Using Learning Analytics to Predict Students Performance in Moodle LMS
  • Using Digital Games for Enhancing EFL Grammar and Vocabulary in Higher Education
  • Individualized New Teaching Mode for Sports Biomechanics based on Big Data
  • Building Empathy: Exploring Digital Native Characteristic to Create Learning Instruction for Learning Computer Graphic Design
  • Prediction Model of Student Achievement in Business Computer Disciplines
  • Analysis of Online Teaching Mode and Effect of Computer Network under Large-Scale Users
  • Adapting Competitiveness and Gamification to a Digital Platform for Foreign Language Learning
  • Effects of Cooperative Learning with Dynamic Mathematics Software (DMS) on Learning Inversely Proportional Functions
  • The Implementation of Career and Educational Guidance System (CEGS) as a Cloud Service
  • Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of Teaching and Research Performance of Art Majors
  • The Impact of Lecture and Interactive Methods on Student’s English Competency
  • Using the Roblox Video Game Engine for Creating Virtual tours and Learning about the Sculptural Heritage
  • Innovation and Use of New Teaching Technologies in Undergraduate Learning and Empowerment for the Labour Market

[Link to Issue 15/20]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[imoox] Rückschau auf den MOOC-Gipfel

Jährlich findet im iMooX Headquarter in Graz ein Zusammenkommen aller iMooX-Partnerinnen und -Partner sowie MOOC-Erstellerinnen und -Ersteller im Rahmen eines MOOC-Gipfels statt.
Bei dieser eintägigen Veranstaltung werden Erfahrungen mit den MOOCs und mit der Plattform iMooX ausgetauscht, eine Gelegenheit geboten andere Teilnehmer*innen kennenzulernen, sich zu vernetzen und mögliche Synergien zu schaffen. Das Gipfeltreffen bietet damit die Möglichkeit, einen aktiven Part in der Weiterentwicklung von iMooX zu spielen und ist einer ausgewählten Gruppe vorbehalten.
Wir möchten Euch mit dem Blogeintrag einen Einblick und Rückblick auf den iMooX-MOOC-Gipfel geben und euch nochmals DANKE für die Teilnahme sagen!

Gestartet wurde der Gipfel mit einem exklusiven Preview zum aktuellen Stand der iMooX-Plattform. Im Rahmen dieser Roadmap-Präsentation wurde das neue Design der zukünftigen MOOC-Plattform vorgestellt und über strategische Ausrichtungen der Plattform gesprochen. Das Team hinter iMooX durfte vor den Vorhang treten und sich vorstellen, sodass eine persönliche Zusammenarbeit in Zukunft noch besser funktionieren kann.

Doch, nicht nur wir sind iMooX, sondern auch IHR seid es – #WeareiMooX lautet daher unser Credo! iMooX Partner*innen mit ins Boot holen, Ideen sammeln und diskutieren, das war für den Gipfel sowie auch die kommende Zusammenarbeit zentral. Daher war der zweite Programmpunkt des Gipfels geknüpft an eine Gruppenaufgabe: Gemeinsam sollten die Teilnehmenden mithilfe des neuen MOOC-Maker-Canvas (ein Blogbeitrag hierzu folgt in den kommenden Tagen) einen Monster-MOOC konzipieren. Der Canvas soll zukünftigen MOOC-Makern helfen, alle wichtigen konzeptionellen Milestones eines MOOC im Blick zu behalten und diese auf einem DinA3 Papier übersichtlich zu sammeln.

Teil drei des Gipfels war eine interaktive Session via gathertown, bei dieser sich die Teilnehmenden über mögliche Wünsche und Innovationspotentiale der MOOC-Plattform austauschen konnten. Gesammelt wurden alle Wünsche online via feedbackr.
Die Umsetzbarkeit der Themen wird aktuell geprüft und diskutiert. Über Neuerungen halten wir euch gerne auf dem Laufenden.

Durch die besonderen Gegebenheiten dieses Jahr, mussten wir auch den MOOC-Gipfel in den virtuellen Raum verlegen und konnten unsere neuen iMooX-Goodies leider nicht persönlich übergeben. Die Teilnehmenden konnten sich im Anschluss der Veranstaltung aber über ein Goodie-Packerl freuen. Zu unserer aktuellen Goodie-Serie für Partner*innen gehört ein Multifunktionstuch, ein USB-Stick, ein Bio-Baumwolle-Sackerl und noch viele weitere Goodies.

Abschlussbild vom Gipfel 🙂

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 15 / No. 19 #ijet #research

Issue 15(19) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • DiagrammER: A Web Application to Support the Teaching-Learning Process of Database Courses Through the Creation of E-R Diagrams
  • Quality Standards in Online Education: The ISO/IEC 40180 Framework
  • Digital Teaching Competence and Space Competence with TPACK in Social Sciences
  • Application of Computer in Online Teaching of Professional Courses
  • Autonomous Learning Mode based on a Four-Element Teaching Design for Visual Communication Course
  • The Effect of Problem-Based Hybrid Learning (PBHL) Models on Spatial Thinking Ability and Geography Learning Outcomes
  • Design and Development of an e-Learning Project Management System: Modelling and Prototyping
  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Music Course Teaching Level Based on Improved Multi-attribute Fuzzy Evaluation Model
  • Exploring Students’ Knowledge and Practice of Digital Citizenship in Higher Education
  • Factors Affecting Mathematics Achievement In Central Asian Specialized Universities
  • Utilisation Status and User Satisfaction of Online Education Platforms
  • Interpreting the Cultural and Academic Experiences of PhD Students from the Indian Sub-Continent and the Chinese Regions in Australian Universities
  • Students’ Perceptions and Information-Sharing Patterns in Learning Authoring System Course through Blogging
  • Attitude to ICT and Self-Evaluation of Fluency in Using New Digital Devices, Websites and Software among Pre-Service Teachers
  • Socio-Economic Profiling of Students and its Impact on Learning Outcomes
  • Virtual Reality and Serious Games Using in Distance Learning in Medicine in Bulgaria
  • Best Practices in Running IT Hackathons Based on Paragon University Dataset
  • Impersonation Attack-Defense Tree
  • Serious Game Design: Presenting a New Generic Creative Reflection Framework

[Link to Issue 15/19]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Web Analytics as Extension for a Learning Analytics Dashboard of a Massive Open Online Platform #imoox #learninganalytics #tugraz #reseach

Our research about “Web Analytics as Extension for a Learning Analytics Dashboard of a Massive Open Online Platform” got published.

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide anyone with Internet access the chance to study at university level for free. In such learning environments and due to their ubiquitous nature, learners produce vast amounts of data representing their learning process. Learning Analytics (LA) can help identifying, quantifying, and understanding these data traces. Within the implemented web-based tool, called LA Cockpit, basic metrics to capture the learners’ activity for the Austrian MOOC platform iMooX were defined. Data is aggregated in an approach of behavioral and web analysis as well as paired with state-of-the-art visualization techniques to build a LA dashboard. It should act as suitable tool to bridge the distant nature of learning in MOOCs. Together with the extendible design of the LA Cockpit, it shall act as a future proof framework to be reused and improved over time. Aimed toward administrators and educators, the dashboard contains interactive widgets letting the user explore their datasets themselves rather than presenting categories. This supports the data literacy and improves the understanding of the underlying key figures, thereby helping them generate actionable insights from the data. The web analytical feature of the LA Cockpit captures mouse activity in individual course-wide heatmaps to identify regions of learner’s interest and help separating structure and content. Activity over time is aggregated in a calendar view, making timely reoccurring patterns otherwise not deductible, now visible. Through the additional feedback from the LA Cockpit on the learners’ behavior within the courses, it will become easier to improve the teaching and learning process by tailoring the provided content to the needs of the online learning community.

abstract of article

[article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Leitner P., Maier K., Ebner M. (2020) Web Analytics as Extension for a Learning Analytics Dashboard of a Massive Open Online Platform. In: Ifenthaler D., Gibson D. (eds) Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47392-1_19

[publication] Property-Based Testing for Parameter Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models #machinelearning #learninganalytics

Thanks to my colleagues – we did a publication for this year CDMAKE-conference about “Property-Based Testing for Parameter Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models“.

Code quality is a requirement for successful and sustainable software development. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence and data driven Machine Learning in current applications makes customized solutions for both data as well as code quality a requirement. The diversity and the stochastic nature of Machine Learning algorithms require different test methods, each of which is suitable for a particular method. Conventional unit tests in test-automation environments provide the common, well-studied approach to tackle code quality issues, but Machine Learning applications pose new challenges and have different requirements, mostly as far the numerical computations are concerned. In this research work, a concrete use of property-based testing for quality assurance in the parameter learning algorithm of a probabilistic graphical model is described. The necessity and effectiveness of this method in comparison to unit tests is analyzed with concrete code examples for enhanced retraceability and interpretability, thus highly relevant for what is called explainable AI.

abstract of the article

[publication @ book homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Saranti A., Taraghi B., Ebner M., Holzinger A. (2020) Property-Based Testing for Parameter Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models. In: Holzinger A., Kieseberg P., Tjoa A., Weippl E. (eds) Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. CD-MAKE 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12279. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57321-8_28

[publication] Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – The Path to Individualization in Learning #hcii20 #iderblog

We did a contribution titled “Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – The Path to Individualization in Learning” for this year HCII conference.

This paper shows how Learning Analytic Methods are combined with German orthography in the IDeRBlog-project (www.iderblog.eu). After a short introduction to the core of the platform – the intelligent dictionary – we focus on the presentation and evaluation of a new training format. The aim of this format is, that pupils can train misspelled words individually in a motivating and didactic meaningful setting. As a usability test was run with twenty one third graders, we are able to present the results of this evaluation.

Abstract of the publication

[full article @ publisher’s webpage]
[draft @ researchgate]

Reference: Ebner M., Edtstadler K., Ebner M. (2020) Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – The Path to Individualization in Learning. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learning Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, Cham. pp. 317-325.

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 15 / No. 18 #ijet #research

Issue 15(18) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Develop Academic Question Recommender Based on Bayesian Network for Personalizing Student’s Practice
  • A study of Grammar Analysis in English Teaching With Deep Learning Algorithm
  • Real Classes Vs Online Classes: A Comparative Study on the Chosen Course of HRM Students of Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Printed Textbooks Versus Electronic Textbooks: A Study on the Preference of Students of Gulf University in Kingdom of Bahrain
  • The Benefits of Implementation of an Instructional Strategy Model Based on the Brain’s Natural Learning Systems in Inclusive Classrooms in Higher Education
  • IT Governance Impact on Academic Performance Development
  • Postsecondary Instructors’ Perspectives on Teaching English as a Foreign Language by Means of a Multimodal Digital Literacy Approach
  • CDIO Approach in Developing Teacher Training Program to Meet Requirement of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Vietnam
  • Evaluation Model and Enhancement Strategies for Teaching Reform Capacity of Art Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges
  • Features and Inspirations of Performance Framework for Regional Universities in Australia
  • A Talent Cultivation Model for Improving the Innovation Ability of College Students in Scientific Research
  • Factors Influencing Students’ Intention to Use E-learning System: A Case Study Conducted in Vietnam
  • Teamwork Distribution: Local vs. Global Software Engineering Project Development Teamwork
  • Assessing Argumentative Writing Skills in Online Environments among Arabic Language Teachers of Grades 5 to 7 in UAE Schools
  • School + Family Community Learning Model of PE Course under COVID-19 Epidemic Situation
  • Does a Distributed Practice Strategy for Multiple Choice Questions Help Novices Learn Programming?
  • Online Learning as a Panacea? An Empirical Study to Discuss Problem-Based Cooperative Learning in Taiwan
  • Effects of a Blood Transfusion Course Using a Blended Learning Approach on the Acquisition of Clinical Reasoning Skills among Nursing Students in Morocco
  • The Use of Educational Software in Teaching Physics in the Moroccan Context

[Link to Issue 15/18]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[presentation] Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Plug-Ins und von APIs für offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) #oer #moodle #oeaa #plugin

Im Rahmen des Projektes Open Education Austria haben wir ein Plugin entwickelt welches erlaubt OER-gekennzeichnete Lehrmaterialien aus dem Learningmanagementsytem Moodle automatisch in ein Repository zu spielen. Dies wurde auf der heurigen 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik vorgestellt.

[Foliensatz auf ResearchGate]