[description] iPhone App “Schnittkraftmeister”

Die iPhone App Schnittkraftmeister ist derzeit die erfolgreichste der TU Grazhier habe ich bereits berichtet :-). Nun gibt es auch eine eigene Webseite, erreichbar unter https://schnittkraftmeister.tugraz.at, sowie ein Dokument zur Kurzbeschreibung:


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[publication] Playing a Game in Civil Engineering

Our this year publication on “Playing a Game in Civil Engineering” at ICL 2011 conference is now online available as Draft version. The slides were already published here.

The goal of our research work was to find out whether in-depth learning of complex theoretical engineering knowledge at higher education level could be improved by the use of online games. In this context we addressed the research question to what extent online games contribute to the students learnin goutcome. The corresponding online game was used for the first time during a lecture on Structural Analysis at bachelor’s level with 159 students of the third semester. We used a pre-/post-testdesign with questionnaires and an independent online tracking. As a result we can point out that playing the game did not increase the learning outcome per se and the didactical scenario should be reconsidered. Nevertheless, the usage of the game for learning purposes was underlined by the oral feedback given which says that students enjoyed playing the game more than learning in a traditional way.

Playing a Game in Civil Engineering The Internal Force Master for Structural Analysis

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Reference: Zechner, J.; Ebner, M. (2011), Playing a Game in Civil Engineering. – in: 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2011) ̶ 11th International Conference Virtual University (vu’11). (2011), S. 417 – 422

[iPhone App] Schnittkraftmeister

Die nächste App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien – iPhone Development” ist ab sofort im App-Store verfügbar. Es ist der Schnittkraftmeister 🙂 . Wer mich schon länger kennt, weiß dass dieses Programm den Ursprung während meiner Dissertation hatte, als wir für Bauingenieure Game-Based-Learning Prozesse untersuchten. Um so mehr freut es mich, dass das Programm nun in der iPhone-App seine Fortsetzung findet. Also, auf geht’s, lasst uns Schnittkräfte üben:

Today structures are invariable analyzed by computers and this affects the education of students. One of the skills required is to spot internal force diagrams that can not be right. This is why the “Schnittkraftmeister” was conceived: Students learn by playing and get a feel for the internal force diagram.

Hier kann die App downgeloadet werden [Link] und alle weiteren verfügbaren Apps der TU Graz findet man hier [iTunes Link].

[GADI2011] Vorträge zu Bauwesen und Wissensmanagement

Der zweite Termin der heurigen Vorlesung “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” an der TU Graz besteht aus folgenden Vorträgen:

  • Jürgen Zechner: “Numerische Berechnungsmethoden und deren Einsatz in Forschung und Lehre im Bauingenieurwesen” (Facebooklink)
  • Andreas Holzinger: “Vom Umgang mit komplexen Datenmengen aus Sicht des Wissensmanagements” (Facebooklink)

Der Vortrag wird live gestreamt – Link zum Streamingserver
Weitere Vorträge/Abstracts findet man hier auf der Vorlesungshomepage.

[publication] M-Learning in the Field

Our publicaton “M-Learning in the Field: A Mobile Geospatial Wiki as an Example for Geo-Tagging in Civil Engineering” pulblished in the book “Looking Toward the Future of Technology-Enhanced Education” is as Draft Version online available.

In subjects such as Civil Engineering, Architecture, Geology etc., education is mostly based on visual information. For example, in Civil Engineering every building can be seen as a unique object at a certain location. During the education of Civil Engineers many field based studies and excursions take place, however, not only the images but also geographical coordinates are essential. Wikis have been in use for collaborative learning for more than ten years. Mobile phones provide access to them from nearly everywhere. The availability of those technologies has led to rapid advances in the area of m-Learning and the possibility to apply challenging constructive educational concepts. Consequently, in this paper we describe the user centered design, development and evaluation of a combination of these technologies to support collaborative learning in the field: A Wiki-based mobile geospatial information system, the so-called TUGeoWiki. The primary objective of this geowiki is to provide a user-friendly tool for mobile collaborative learning for all areas where geo-tagged information could be useful. Moreover, TUGeoWiki was developed in order to provide the integration of external map material via map APIs including information such as that delivered by Google maps. Subsequently, it is possible to provide both highly detailed maps and satellite images without having the need to license such material. Furthermore, the user interfaces used by such tools is well established, due to the increasing number of mapping related mashups. The evaluation during an extensive field test within a large civil engineering excursion to various large-scale construction sites in Austria demonstrated that collaborative learning can be successfully supported by the application of a geowiki.

Reference: Safran, C., Ebner, M., Kappe, F., Holzinger, A. (2010), M-Learning in the Field: A Mobile Geospatial Wiki as an Example for Geo-Tagging in Civil Engineering, In: Looking Toward the Future of Technology-Enhanced Education, Ebner. M & Schiefner, M. (Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 263 – 274

[publication] How Web 2.0 Enhance Knowledge Construction in Civil Engineering

Our research article about the use of Web 2.0 technologies in Civil Engineering Education “How Web 2.0 Enhance Knowledge Construction in Civil Engineering” has been published.

At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) lots of experience using multimedia or internet based applications in higher education has been gathered. Especially in the field of civil engineering we can refer to a seven year long practical employment. During the very first e-Learning boom at universities in Austria in 2001 some projects in the field of civil engineering have been started in order to investigate the possibilities of web-based education. Nowadays a radical change of the Web, often called Web 2.0, offers possibilities, which can change the e-Education dramatically. The use of Wikis and Weblogs lead to a more collaborative teaching and learning process. Podcasts, in the same way as web based software helps to support the learner of today in a much more efficient way as in the years before.
This paper will discuss how modern technologies can be used in the field of Civil Engineering Education and will show a lot of practical examples of today’s effort in this field at TU Graz. The authors conclude that e-Education will play a very important role in the future of higher education. Bearing in mind that learners of today are the working society of tomorrow this change leads to arbitrarily new situations. Has industry to prepare for a new kind of generation?

Reference: Ebner, M. (2009) How Web 2.0 Enhance Knowledge Construction in Civil Engineering, A. Starcic and M. Kovac (ed.), University & Industry – Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, WSEAS Press, Athen, 2009, p. 77-101

Here you will get the Draftversion.