[publication] Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review

Our publication about “Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review” is now online published in the International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE).

Throughout history, the ongoing technological progress has caused the economy to change in many aspects; furthermore, at times it triggered the dawn of a new era. In the 1980s, this happened for the last time and the digital economy has emerged over the last decades. Since then, the significance of approaches to technology enhanced learning (TEL) has increased rapidly. However, the relations between the digital economy and technology enhanced learning are hardly investigated. Therefore this study points out the known relations between technology enhanced learning and the digital economy by reviewing 1089 publications. Thereby one could recognize that the relations between the regularities of the digital economy and the field of technology enhanced learning have not been thoroughly researched yet.

Reference: Schweighofer, P., Grünwald, S., & Ebner, M. (2015). Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), 6(1), 50-62. doi:10.4018/ijide.2015010104 [Link to the article]