[article] Weaving Social E-learning Platforms Into The Web of Linked Data

My colleague Behnam Taraghi and his friend also contributed to this year i-Know Conference and presented a publication on “Weaving Social E-learning Platforms Into the Web of Linked Data“. I think who is interested in this topic it’s worth to take a look.

In this paper we present an approach for interlinking and RDFising social e-Learning Web 2.0 platforms like ELGG based on semantic tagging and Linked Data principles. A special module called SID (Semantically Interlinked Data) was developed to allow existing tagged and published user generated content an easy entrance into the Web of Data and to enrich it semantically on the other hand. Our approach uses commonly known vocabularies (FOAF, SIOC, MOAT and Tag Ontology) for modelling and generation tasks along with DBPedia as reference dataset for interlinking.

[review] Get out of MySpace!

Habe mir einen Artikel durchgelesen der dieser Tage online in der Zeitrschrift Computer & Education erschienen ist: “Get out of MySpace!“.
Die Autoren haben eine Umfrage an 4 Universitäten gestartet um herauszufinden wie sehr Social Software für Lernzwecke bei Studierenden eingesetzt wird. Das Ergebnis bei 76 abgegebenen Fragebögen ist zwar nicht erstaunlich, aber ernüchternd. Während die meisten über Accounts bei Facebook, blog oder MySpace verfügen, setzen es 70% kaum oder gar nicht für Lernzwecke ein. Nachwievor sind Powerpoint und Virtual Learning Environenments die einsamen Spitzenreiter wenn es um Technologie für Lernen geht.
Die Autoren versuchen auch den Gründen nachzugehen und machen deren 5 aus, warum Social Software kaum verwendet wird:

  1. the seperation of life and studying
  2. originality and copyright issues
  3. sense of information flooded
  4. time constraint based on their disconfirming experiences
  5. lecturers are not up-to-date and may not know how to integrate and make use of social software

Nun ich kann mich mit diesen Aussagen sehr gut identifizieren und es zeigt die eigentliche Problematik auf. Zwar werden auch positive Effekte, wie die Steigerung von Motivation und Individualität genannt, letztendlich ist aber man noch weit von einer guten Verbreitung entfernt.

Reference: Jones, N., Blackey, H., Fitzgibbon, K., Chew, E. (2009) Get out of MySpace!, Computers & Education, article in press, online available

[abstract accepted] Geo-Tagging in Archaeology: Practical Experiences with the TUGeoWiki

Zusammen mit meinem KollegInnen haben wir ein Abstract zum heurigen “International Congress “Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” (Workshop “Archäologie & Computer”)” eingereicht. Wir zeigen im Rahmen der Präsentation “Geo-Tagging in Archaeology: Practical Experiences with the TUGeoWiki” Möglichkeiten und Nutzen von Geotagging im Bereich der Lehre auf und freuen uns auf viele Diskussionsbeiträge.

Introduction and Motivation: The wide spread availability of sophisticated and cheap mobile phones, providing internet access nearly everywhere, have led to advances in the application of new technologies to support field studies and Archaeological documentation. Established tools include Wiki-based mobile geospatial information systems, so called GeoWikis.
Background and Related Work: The primary objective of a GeoWiki is to provide the integration of photographs into an external map via an Application Programming Interface such as the Google maps API. Such MashUps are both a concept and a technology for merging content, services and applications from multiple sites. Experiences gained in civil engineering at Graz University of Technology made it apparent that the creation of a special GeoWiki was necessary: the TUGeoWiki.
Methods and Materials: As a use case we will be evaluating the TUGeoWiki during an archaeological documentation of Roman stones in churches. Relevant issues include both the usability and the usefulness of this application when being utilized in the archaeology domain. During this study the usefulness will be evaluated using heuristic evaluation methods. According to ISO 9241-11 there are three key aspects of usability: efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction; In order to evaluate the TUGeoWiki against a standardized benchmark, we are applying the System Usability Scale (SUS), a ten-item attitude Likert scale, which isconsidered a valid method of evaluation for mobile devices.
We report on the practical experiences and lessons learned during the use and evaluation of the TUGeoWiki and discuss advantages and disadvantages and possible solutions. Advantages include: taking annotated, geotagged photographs, in a secluded area where the archaeologist has little equipment; the immediate exchange of information and the ability to cooperate with other archaeologists etc.; Disadvantages include the relatively low resolution dependent on the mobile device used; the relative inaccuracy of the GPS location data; and the deviation between the distance of the camera and the object; data protection against tomb raiders etc.

Hier der Link zu unserem Beitrag.

[publication] How Web 2.0 Enhance Knowledge Construction in Civil Engineering

Our research article about the use of Web 2.0 technologies in Civil Engineering Education “How Web 2.0 Enhance Knowledge Construction in Civil Engineering” has been published.

At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) lots of experience using multimedia or internet based applications in higher education has been gathered. Especially in the field of civil engineering we can refer to a seven year long practical employment. During the very first e-Learning boom at universities in Austria in 2001 some projects in the field of civil engineering have been started in order to investigate the possibilities of web-based education. Nowadays a radical change of the Web, often called Web 2.0, offers possibilities, which can change the e-Education dramatically. The use of Wikis and Weblogs lead to a more collaborative teaching and learning process. Podcasts, in the same way as web based software helps to support the learner of today in a much more efficient way as in the years before.
This paper will discuss how modern technologies can be used in the field of Civil Engineering Education and will show a lot of practical examples of today’s effort in this field at TU Graz. The authors conclude that e-Education will play a very important role in the future of higher education. Bearing in mind that learners of today are the working society of tomorrow this change leads to arbitrarily new situations. Has industry to prepare for a new kind of generation?

Reference: Ebner, M. (2009) How Web 2.0 Enhance Knowledge Construction in Civil Engineering, A. Starcic and M. Kovac (ed.), University & Industry – Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, WSEAS Press, Athen, 2009, p. 77-101

Here you will get the Draftversion.