[publication] PDM field study and evaluation in collaborative engineering education #research

At this year ICL 2017 conference in Budapest, Hungary we did a publication on “PDM field study and evaluation in collaborative engineering education“. Andreas did the presentation and the introduction to his PhD-work.


Collaboration in general but especially between students of Austrian Federal Secondary Colleges of Engineering (HTL) is becoming more and more important. Therefore, the joint diploma thesis has been introduced into the cur- riculum. Furthermore, joint student projects have become a crucial topic within the subject of mechanical engineering design. Because of the worldwide activi- ties of most companies, being able to collaborate within a huge team is seen as an essential for future jobs. To support the collaboration process in engineering education, a product data management (PDM) system was introduced to several Austrian HTLs within projects carried out in the Sparkling Science program of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research. In the academic year 2016/17 a field study was started to figure out how to enhance collaboration be- tween students by using this kind of software and methods. The outcome of this study will be to find out about the level of collaboration within students’ design projects.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Probst, A., Gerhard, D., Ebner, M. (2017) PDM field study and evaluation in collaborative engineering education. In: Conference Proceeding of ICL2017 – 20th International Confer-ence on Interactive Collaborative Learning. Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1-9

[publication] Experiences with iPads in primary schools / Experiencias con ipads en la escuela primaria

In the last issue of 2014 of the journal “Profesorado. Revista de Curriculum y Formación del Profesorado” our contribution about “Experiences with iPads in primary schools / Experiencias con ipads en la escuela primaria” got published. The article is now available in two languages (englisch/spanish).
Abstract (englisch):

Tablet computers gain enormous attention nowadays and become more and more part of our daily life. Due to this it is not astonishing that even the educational sector is thinking about the use of such wearable devices in the classroom. Our research study aims to give insights about real life experiences with iPads in Austrian primary schools. Therefore we describe the development of appropriate learning apps and their use in classrooms. Finally each technology-enhanced lesson is observed as well as evaluated afterwards with the help of the cut-off technique. The research work carries out different circumstances the use of tablet computers has a positive influence on teaching and learning and gives practical hints how they should be used in classrooms.

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Abstract (spanish):

Los ordenadores-tablet están acaparando toda la atención en estos momentos y forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Por ello, no es de extrañar que en el ámbito educativo se hayan arbitrado fórmulas para incorporarlos en las aulas. La presente investigación pretende mostrar las estrategias llevadas a cabo en determinadas experiencias con iPads en escuelas primarias austriacas. Por un lado, se describe el desarrollo de las aplicaciones (apps) educativas apropiadas para su empleo en aulas. Y por otro, cada lección apoyada en las tecnologías es analizada y evaluada desde una perspectiva técnica. Las aportaciones más representativas de la investigación evidencian las diversas fórmulas de utilización de este tipo de ordenadores para promover una influencia positiva en la enseñanza, también se apuntan recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo deberían ser usados en aulas.

Refrence (spanish): Ebner, Martin; Schönhart, Julia & Schön, Sandra (2014). Experiencias con ipads en la escuela primaria (translation of English original). In: Profesorado, V 18, Nº 3, 161-173 (sept.-diciembre 2014). URL: https://www.ugr.es/~recfpro/rev183ART9.pdf

Reference (englisch): Ebner, Martin; Schönhart, Julia & Schön, Sandra (2014). Experiences with iPads in primary schools. In: Profesorado, V 18, Nº 3, 161-173 (sept.-diciembre 2014). URL: https://www.ugr.es/~recfpro/rev183ART9en.pdf

[publication] Interactive Lecturing by Integrating Mobile Devices and Micro-blogging in Higher Education

The article about “Interactive Lecturing by Integrating Mobile Devices and Micro-blogging in Higher Education” is now published in the Journal Computing and Information Technology. Further there is a short video about the content of the paper.

Following the recent advances in both technology and social interaction, implementation of interactivity to large lecture rooms presents itself as a promising new methodology to improve the learning and teaching process in academia. Namely, based on the underlying ideas of Web 2.0, learners should be able to collect and share online resources during a lecture, additional communication channels such as discussion forums, chat and micro-blogging helping to achieve interactivity on traditional face-to-face teaching. Building on such premises, first experiences have been acquired by the use of mobile devices and instant messaging in enhancing the learning and teaching behavior, with the help of a university wide available Learning Management System (LMS), which has accordingly been adapted and extended to the specific needs of supporting interactivity through mobile devices. The LMS is intended to use common and existing software and hardware (devices of the learners). The goal of the above research is to find out the potentials of interactivity in order to enhance students’ engagement in traditional face-to-face teaching in Higher Education. The paper describes the outcomes of the first experiments in implementing interactivity in Higher Education in such a framework within the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and comments on the methodology applied. The experiments, which have been performed during lecturing within the course “Social Aspects of Information Technology” at the BSc level, attended by about 200 students, have shown that such kind of interactivity has a positive effect on the learners’ engagement.

Reference: Ebner, M. (2009), Interactive Lecturing by Integrating Mobile Devices and Micro-blogging in Higher Education, Journal of Computing and Information Technology (eCIT), Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 371-381 doi:10.2498/cit.1001382
Full article as [.pdf]