[publication] Should You Go for Smartphones at School? How the Use of Modern Media in Class Influences IT-Competences #netgeneration #tugraz #digitalnatives

At this year Ed-Media conference in Amsterdam we published our research work about “Should You Go for Smartphones at School? How the Use of Modern Media in Class Influences IT-Competences”.


Since 2007, Graz University of Technology has been conducting an annual poll amongst its first-year students about their IT preferences and competence. On the basis of more than 8600 data records, this long-term survey reports the changes regarding students´ITstudents´IT device ownership, communicative behavior via IT devices, and use of apps as well as social media services over a time period of eleven years. Furthermore, this publication answers the question, whether the use of emerging technologies in classroom has an influence on these changes or not. It can be stated that an “IT-friendly” environment (most of all internet access) and teaching at secondary school level significantly promotes IT and coding skills but does not intensify the use of social media applications.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Grandl, M., Haas, M., Schön, M. & Ebner, M. (2018). Should You Go for Smartphones at School? How the Use of Modern Media in Class Influences IT-Competences. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 735-743). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

[presentation] Should You Go for Smartphones at School? #digitalNatives #edmedia #edil18 #InnovateLearning

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we present our yearly study about our beginners’ survey. As usual the yearly progress is shown as well as some special research questions. Here you can find the slides:

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[publication] Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years #netgeneration #digitalnatives

Another publication at this year ED-Media conference is about “Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years“. The presentation has been recorded and can be find here.

Starting in 2007, Graz University of Technology has conducted an annual poll amongst its new students about their IT preferences and competences. After ten years of survey it is time to consider the overall results. Based on more than 7700 data records we can obviously state that freshmen have changed significantly according to their IT devices ownership, their communicational behavior using IT devices, as well as their usage of Web 2.0 tools. But there are some facts that have remained unchanged, such as the very low usage of Twitter or the usage of e-learning platforms at secondary school level, which is only slowly rising. Furthermore, the long-time survey tracks and reflects international trends, such as the outstanding hypes of Facebook and WhatsApp, replacing SMS over the last three years. We can conclude, that our students have become mobile, social, smart, and media driven.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M. & Schön, M. (2017). Mobile, Social, Smart, and Media Driven The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years. In J. Johnston (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2017 (pp. 826-835). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[vodcast] Mobile, Social, Smart and Media Driven – The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years #research #tugraz

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The first of four talks is about “Mobile, Social, Smart and Media Driven – The Way Academic Net-Generation Has Changed Within Ten Years“:


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[publication] Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp! #tugraz

Our publication at this year ED-Media 2015 conference “Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp!” is now online available.


Since 2007 Graz University of Technology has undertaken questionnaires on its first- year students. The main goal of that annual survey basically concentrates on the IT- and Web- competences as long as they are related to e-learning. The long-term results display progresses and trends that need to be taken into account for a university’s e-learning strategy. The results of this year mainly state a tremendous triumph of the application WhatsApp. It ́s influence on the usage of other applications and it’s relation to Facebook is specially focused. There is no evidence that using WhatsApp has a negative effect on Facebook. Quite the contrary; WhatsApp is another big push on the steady growing usage of modern media for learning purposes.

[Link to full text]

Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M., Schön, M. (2015). Why Facebook Swallowed WhatsApp!. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2015. pp. 1383-1392 Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

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[publication] Do You Mind NSA Affair? Does the Global Surveillance Disclosure Impact Our Students?

Our contribution at this year ED-MEDIA conference in Tampere, Finnland about “Do You Mind NSA Affair? Does the Global Surveillance Disclosure Impact Our Students?” is now online available. The slides have alreday been published here.

In summer 2013 the discussion about security and Internet peaked when the ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden uncovered secret details about his former employer NSA. Since then bad news and stories about government surveillance have come along daily worldwide. But did they change anything according to our way of working and living with the Internet? We wanted to know, whether there is a change of Internet behavior to be determined among freshmen coming to Graz University of Technology. On base of an annual questionnaire that is carried out by the Department of Social Learning at TU Graz since 2007 we found out that although a quarter of polled students are influenced by those disclosures there is no decrease in Internet usage to be realized compared to former years results; quite the reverse: applications working on cloud-principle like Dropbox are strongly upcoming. Apart from that, the long term survey generally mirrors new media competences and Internet usage of TU Graz freshmen. This paper discusses this year´s results and progressions of the survey.

Do You Mind NSA Affair? Does the Global Surveillance Disclosure Impact Our Students? by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W. & Schön, M. (2014). Do You Mind NSA Affair?Does the Global Surveillance Disclosure Impact Our Students?. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 (pp. 2307-2312). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[presentation] Do You Mind NSA Affair? Does the Global Surveillance Disclosure Impact Our Students?

Our last presentation at this year ED-Media Conference in Tampere, Finland is about the “Do You Mind NSA Affair? Does the Global Surveillance Disclosure Impact Our Students?” – enjoy the slides:

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[publication] “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about ““Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?” is now online available.

One of the most important parameter for a successful service is to optimize targeting. Teaching at universities can be seen as a kind of service on students. To meet the needs of students according to e-learning services best an annual questionnaire amongst freshmen is carried out at Graz University of Technology by its Department of Social Learning since 2007. The poll takes a detailed look on digital device usage as well as on IT and Web 2.0 competences of the freshmen. This unique survey in Austria reflects the media behavior of young people aged 18 to 22 and can be compared to bigger reports like the German JIM-study. Special focus of this year ́s survey was laid on the question, whether the field of study correlates with any of the polled elements? Is there a need for a specialized e-learning service subject to the field of study? To answer these questions more precisely also a project has been started analyzing special e-learning requirements on base of oral interviews with selected teachers of different faculties. Apart from that, this publication offers all relevant results of this year ́s survey.

“Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Be… by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W. & Schön, M. (2013). “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 43-53). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[presentation] “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?

Our presentation about ““Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?” at this year ED-Media Conference is now online available:

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[GADI13, presentation] Digital Natives – seid ihr anders?

Die Folien zu meinem Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnolgie” rund um das Thema Digital Natives sind nun online zugänglich:

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