[publication] Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting #tugraz #edil22 #MOOC #imoox #LearningAnalytics

Our research about “Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting” was presented at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022:

The analysis of learner data in MOOCs provides numerous opportunities to look for patterns that may indicate participants’ learning strategies. In this article, we investigated how participants in a MOOC (N=1,200), in which they must successfully complete a quiz in each unit, deal with the fact that they can repeat this quiz up to five times. On the one hand, patterns can be identified regarding the success of the quiz attempts: For example, 32.7% of the course participants always repeat the quizzes up to a full score, while about 16.0% of the participants repeat, but only until they pass all quizzes. Regarding the number of attempts, independent of the success, there is only a uniformity in “single attempt”; 12.6% of the participants only take exactly one attempt at each of the quizzes in the MOOC. An analysis of a subgroup of 80 learners which were students of a course where the MOOC was obligatory, shows that the proportion of learners attributed to patterns making more attempts is generally bigger. It can be shown as well that learners who uses several attempts, even after a full score results, tend to get better exam. The article concludes by discussing how these patterns can be interpreted and how they might influence future MOOC developments.

[full article @ conference homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Mair, B., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Leitner, P., Schlager, A., Teufel, M. & Thurner, S. (2022). Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1169-1179). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221430/

[presentation] Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting #edil22 #tugraz #research #mooc #imoox

We are happy to present our research about “Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting” at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022 conference.

Find here our slides as well as the recording of the talk:


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[publication] Quiz Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses from the Perspective of Learning Analytics: Role of First Quiz Attempts #imoox #moox #tugraz

Our chapter about “Quiz Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses from the Perspective of Learning Analytics: Role of First Quiz Attempts” got published:

Massive open online course (MOOC) platforms within the so-called xMOOC framework typically host quizzes, sometimes as part of the course assessment. Within our contribution we look at and describe quizzes and their results as a feedback for learners. Additionally, we describe current research on quizzes in MOOCs, especially from a learning analytics perspective. Building upon this, we explore data from a single MOOC (N = 1,484) from the Austrian MOOC platform iMooX.at where quizzes are used for final assessment but can be repeated up to five times within the course. The analysis of quiz activities shows a moderate correlation (r = 0,2765, N = 957) of the very first attempt with the final MOOC success.

[full chapter @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schön S., Leitner P., Ebner M., Edelsbrunner S., Hohla K. (2022) Quiz Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses from the Perspective of Learning Analytics: Role of First Quiz Attempts. In: Auer M.E., Hortsch H., Michler O., Köhler T. (eds) Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development – Challenges for Higher Education. ICL 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 389. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93904-5_94

[master] Development of a Quiz model for Moodle #master #tugraz #moodle #lms

Jakob hat im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit ein Quizmodul für dynamisch erstellbare physikalische Aufgaben erstellt inl. einer LTI-Anbindung an das Learningmanagementsystem Moodle. Hier findet man die Folien seiner erfolgreichen Verteidigung:

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[iphone] Tierquiz

Nun ist es wieder soweit, die Apps aus der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien” werden sukzessive in den Appstore geladen. Den Anfang macht das Tierquiz, eine App für (Vor-) Schulkinder zum Erlernen von Tierstimmen inkl. eines Mehrspielermodus.

TiQu is an animal quiz designed for preschool age children. The purpose of this application is to teach children, to identify different animals by sound. There is no knowledge of reading or writing needed.

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