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Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeiten TU Graz

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[GalleryWalk] Offene Lizenzen als Treiber für neuartige Kooperationen und Innovationen in der Bildung #gmw16

Andreas Wittke hat unseren Beitrag zu “Offene Lizenzen als Treiber für neuartige Kooperationen und Innovationen in der Bildung” bei der GMW 2016 in Innsbruck im Rahmen eines Gallery Walks vorgestellt.
Dabei hat er dieses wunderschöne Plakat alle 7 Minuten neuen interessierten Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörern gezeigt:

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[flipped conference] Vom Modellprojekt über den Online-Kurs bis zum Handbuch – von gelungenen Projekten und Kooperationen im Bereich des Making mit Kindern #gmw16

Beim Flipped-Conference-Beitrag geht es darum, eben nicht einen Vortrag über den bereits veröffentlichen Beitrag im Tagungsband der GMW 2016 zu halten, sondern offenes, Fragen der Teilnehmer/innen etc. zu adressieren. Die folgenden Slides hat Sandra für uns zusammengestellt – aber was dann genaut diskutiert, vertieft, vorgestellt wird, wird sie wahrscheinlich noch berichten.

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[PechaKucha] Booksprints in der Hochschullehre #gmw16

Im Rahmen der GMW 2016 in Innsbruck nehme ich heute mit unseren Beitrag “Booksprints in der Hochschullehre” an einer Pecha-Kucha-Session mit anschließendem Knowledge Cafe teil. Hierzu gibt es eine Kurzpräsentation über 3 Minuten und danach an den Tischen dreimal eine 20-minütige offene Diskussion. Ich freu mich jetzt schon auf die vielen TeilnehmerInnen.
Hier einmal die Folien für die Pecha-Kucha-Präsentation:

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Hier die Unterlagen die ich für den anschließenden Tisch vorbereitet habe:

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[master, presentation] Begleitstudie eines Online-Kurses im Inverse-Blended-Learning-Format #imoox #gol14

Kathrin Käfmüller hat die Begleitstudie zu “Gratis Online Lernen” durchgeführt und die wesentlichen Ergebnisse hatten wir davon bereits hier auf Researchgate veröffentlicht. Hier nun noch ihre erfolgreiche Präsentation bei der Masterarbeitsverteidigung:

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[presentation] When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies #imoox #mooc #research

Mohammad give a keynote-speech at this year Conference on Innovations for Community Services in Vienna titled “When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs – a Review on iMooX Case Studies“. He introduced our research activities concerning MOOCs and Learning Analytics:

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[publication] Use Cases and Architecture of an Information system to integrate smart glasses in educational environments #edmedia

Our publication about “Use Cases and Architecture of an Information system to integrate smart glasses in educational environments” at this year ED-Media conference is now online available. The presentation slides have been published right here.


Wearable devices, such as smart glasses, are nowadays easily available on the market; therefore, these devices could be used to evaluate more and more use cases in educational domain. After a short introduction to smart glasses functionality, features and user interaction techniques, several use cases are defined and described. To integrate smart glasses into the educational domain, specialized information systems and infrastructure is necessary. A basic concept of a suitable information system is defined and explained by a sample use case. The main advantage of using smart glasses in educational domain is that users can interact with the device hands-free therefore (fine motor skills) tasks can be performed while receiving visual and vocal support simultaneously. Additionally the teacher/observer can evaluate the performance remotely. Wearable devices become better available and cheaper, but should only be used in suitable use cases where the learning experience could be improved.

[Full publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). Use Cases and Architecture of an Information system to integrate smart glasses in educational environments. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 51-58). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)..

[publication] Learning Analytics in MOOCs: Can Data Improve Students Retention and Learning? #LearningAnalytics

Our publication about “Learning Analytics in MOOCs: Can Data Improve Students Retention and Learning?” at this year ED-Media conference is now online available. The presentation slides have been published right here.


In order to study learners’ behaviors and activities in online learning environments such as MOOCs, the demanding for a framework of practices and procedures to collect, analyze and optimize their data emerged in the educational learning horizon. Learning Analytics is the field that arose to comply with such needs and was denominated as a “technological fix to the long-standing problems” of online learning platforms (Knox, 2014). This paper discusses the significance of applying Learning Analytics in MOOCs to overcome some of its issues. We will mainly focus on improving students’ retention and learning using an algorithm prototype based on divergent MOOC indicators, and propose a scheme to reflect the results on MOOC students

[Full publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). Learning Analytics in MOOCs: Can Data Improve Students Retention and Learning?. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 569-576). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[publication] How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms #imoox #badge

Our last publication at this year European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016 in Graz about “How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms” is now online available.

Though MOOC platforms offer quite good online learning opportunities, thereby gained skills and knowledge is not recognized appropriately. Also, they fail in main-taining the initial learner’s motivation to complete the course.
Mozilla’s Open Badges, which are digital artifacts with embedded meta-data, could help to solve these problems. An Open Badge contains, beside its visual component, data to trustworthy verify its receipt. In addition, badges of different granularity cannot just certify successful course completion, but also help to steer the learning process of learners through formative feedback during the course.
Therefore, a web application was developed that enabled iMooX to issue Open Badges for formative feedback as well as summative evaluation. A course about Open Educa-tional Resources served as prototype evaluation, which confirmed its aptitude to be also used in other courses.

[Full text @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Wüster, M., Ebner, M. (2016) How to integrate and automatically issue Open Badges in MOOC platforms. In: Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2016. Khalil, M., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lorenz, A., Kalz, M. (ed.). Book On Demand. Norderstedt. pp.279-286

[Full text of Conference Proceeding]

[presentation] Open Science #tugraz

Die Arbeit von Andreas zu “Open Science – Potentiale eines neuen Wissenschaftsansatzes” haben wir bereits hier veröffentlicht. Jetzt darf ich noch die Folien seiner Defense nachholen:

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