LLT-Frühstück im Atlas der guten Lehre #llt

Es freut uns, dass unser LLT-Frühstück nun auch einen Platz im Atlas der guten Lehre gefunden hat.

Das Dialog-Format LLT-Frühstück bietet Lehrenden eine Plattform, um mit der Organisationseinheit (OE) Lehr- und Lerntechnologien (LLT) in Kontakt zu treten. Im ungezwungenen Rahmen soll den Lehrenden die Möglichkeit geboten werden, mit den Mitarbeiter*innen der OE sowie mit Kolleg*innen in einen aktiven, ehrlichen und kreativen Austausch rund um digitale Lehre zu gehen.
Ziel ist, die Lehrenden regelmäßig über aktuelle Innovationen im Bereich Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) zu informieren.

[Link zum Beitrag]

[publication] Effects of Remote Learning on Practitioner Integration #tugraz #research #edil21

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about “Effects of Remote Learning on Practitioner Integration” got published. The slides are already here online.

The widespread inclusion of experts and practitioners in educational settings to teach and collaboratively learn can help alleviate a multitude of systemic problems. A new, inclusive path to teach youth the skills needed to utilise the problem solving approach named computational thinking is explored in this case study. During 2020 remote learning became ubiquitous and after a successful face to face workshop the consequences of a virtual environment were evaluated. This publication answers three questions based on an action research approach: What effect has remote learning on practitioner integration? What learning outcomes does a flipped classroom approach lead to? What lessons can be learned for a post-social-distancing world? Data was gathered during an expert driven virtual workshop, in an Austrian technical school with predominantly male students aged 17 to 18 (K-12). Analysis revealed the benefits of remote expert integration as relatively little overhead can establish practical knowledge and differentiated perspectives in an almost uninterrupted virtual workflow. The integration of practitioners should be made possible within virtual environments to minimise distraction and overhead if applicable. Despite its clear benefits a blended environment with additional face to face settings led to more interaction and excitement from the learners. Easy access to experts and practitioners is key to offer young people the tools necessary to face the challenges of the future.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[final publication @ learntechlib]

Reference: Pollak, M., Sagbauer, N.N. & Ebner, M. (2021). Effects of Remote Learning on Practitioner Integration. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 389-400). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 28, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219684/

[publication] Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa #tugraz #research #edil21

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about “Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa” got published. The slides are already here online.

Almost every child and adult today have access to the Internet and different technologies like smartphones, tablets and co. Scientists recognized this very quickly and started to create a whole new way of learning. Therefore, learning applications have been developed to increase student and adult interest in studying and training. This paper describes the development of a speech-based Alexa Skill for educational purposes. The main goal is to help students as well as adults to learn and train mathematical basic calculation types. The skill was designed in a way that young students as well as adults can interact with Alexa in their own words. Therefore, the skill “Mathe Rätsel” (Eng.: “Math riddle”) offers two difficulties to meet the needs of young and old users.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[article @ proceeding’s homepage]

Reference: Weiss, M., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2021). Speech-based Learning with Amazon Alexa. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 156-163). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 27, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219651/.

[publication] School Start Screening Tool #edil21 #research #app

Our contribuation to this year ED-Media 2021 conference about “School Start Screening Tool” got published. The slides are already here online.

This paper concentrates on the implementation of a new screening method in Austrian schools to assess children and find out if they have any special educational needs in educational areas like phonology, counting, knowledge of letters and numbers and others. The underlying structure of the assignments was developed by developmental psychologists from the University of Graz and the University of Vienna and then implemented as a mobile application for Android tablets. For testing and evaluation purposes, the app’s prototype was first used voluntary by multiple Austrian schools. Furthermore, the mobile application had to be fully functional when offline as well as a central web application had to be developed to give the developmental psychologists access to the screening results. However, the main goal was to develop the application in a way that especially children without sufficient skills in reading and writing are able to understand the assignment’s tasks and to perform input.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]
[article @ LearnTechLib]

Reference: Krassnig, P., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2021). School Start Screening Tool. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 213-226). United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 26, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219660/.

[video] Wie kann ich einen MOOC auf iMooX.at anbieten? #imoox

Wir freuen uns ein neues Video im Rahmen des fnma-Spotlights anbieten zu können. Diesmal wollen wir darstellen, was alles nötig ist einen MOOC zu machen:

In diesem kurzen Video wird die österreichische MOOC-Plattform iMooX.at vorgestellt und gezeigt, wie man dort einen MOOC als österreichische Hochschule anbieten kann. Was gibt es alles zu bedenken und welche Vorgehensweise soll gewählt werden? Dies und weitere Fragen werden beantwortet. Wir freuen uns auf Kontaktaufnahme bei Fragen direkt unter office@imoox.at


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Wie kann ich einen MOOC auf iMooX.at anbieten?

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 18 #ijet #research

Issue 16(18) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Critical Success Factors in Accepting Technology in the Classroom
  • A First Experience of Using Failure Report as a Reflective Tool in Engineering Education
  • Online Learning in Egyptian Universities Post COVID-19 Pandemic: A Student’s Perspective
  • A Design of Personal Learning Network on Social Networking Tools with Gamification for Professional Experience
  • Conceptual Approaches of Prospective Pedagogy
  • The Challenges of Initial Teacher Training
  • A Research-Based Smart Classroom in An Exercise Physiology Course
  • Design of Computerized Adaptive Testing Module into Our Dynamic Adaptive Hypermedia System
  • Application of Virtual Scenario Teaching in Spoken English Teaching
  • Quantitative Analysis on the Evaluation Indicators of Teaching Abilities of Physical Education Teachers in Colleges and Universities
  • Comprehensive Evaluation for Teaching Quality of College Faculty
  • Design and Implementation of An Intelligent Classroom Teaching System for Music Class Based on Internet of Things
  • An Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Based Learning Agent for Classifying Learning Styles in Self-Regulated Smart Learning Environment
  • Adoption of Chatbots for Learning among University Students: Role of Perceived Convenience and Enhanced Performance
  • Qualitative Development of Students’ Digital Skills by Integrating a Spreadsheet Software in First Year Introduction to Engineering and Seminar Course
  • The Effect of Computer Software Interaction on Students Cognitive Abilities Enhancement: The Case of Engineering Educators’ Perspective
  • Informal Science Pedagogical Innovation to Promote Understanding of Technology Application in Fluids Mechanics
  • Answer-Aware Question Generation from Tabular and Textual Data using T5
  • Perceptions of Non-English Major College Students on Learning English Vocabulary with Gamified Apps

[Link to Issue 16/18]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[mooc] EBmooc focus: Erwachsenenbildung im Online-Raum #imoox #erwachsenenbildung

Es freut uns, dass heute fast schon ein Klassiker auf iMooX.at startet. Und zwar geht der EBmooc mit dem Titel “EBmooc focus: Erwachsenenbildung im Online-Raum” wieder an dern Start:

Hier lernen Sie das Wichtigste, was man über die Live-Online-Arbeit in der Erwachsenenbildung wissen muss:

  • Formate für die Live-Online-Erwachsenenbildung
  • Didaktik für Live-Online-Räume
  • Infrastruktur für die Online-Erwachsenenbildung
  • Management von Online-Bildungsangeboten

Die Anmeldung ist natürlich kostenlos und wir wünschen viel Spaß mit dem Kurs: [Link zur kostenlosen Anmeldung]

[trailer] Microbiome & Health #imoox #MOOC

We are happy to announce the start of the MOOC “Microbiome & Health” on 4th of October. As usual all courses are free accessible at iMooX.at – so just join us 🙂

Here you will find the trailer of the MOOC:


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MOOC Trailer “Microbiome & Health” at iMooX.at

So just register for free [link to startpage of the MOOC]

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 16 / No. 17 #ijet #research

Issue 16(17) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Key Issues on Informal Learning in the 21st Century: A Text Mining-based Literature Review
  • Micro-learning Platforms Brand Awareness Using Socialmedia Mlarketing and Customer Brand Engagement
  • Machine Learning Prediction and Recommendation Framework to Support Introductory Programming Course
  • Measuring User Satisfaction of Educational Service Applications using Text Mining and Multicriteria Decision-Making Approach
  • Identification and Learning Styles’ Variation Factors for a Hybrid and Distance Learning Professional Training ODL-SPOC
  • Design and Construction of a PBL Based Evaluation Index System for Classroom Music Education
  • Current State of Art Design Education in Colleges and a New Hybrid Learning Mode
  • What are the Latent Topics Associated with Experience in Flipped Learning? An Empirical Investigation of University Students’ Interview Responses
  • Design and Performance Analysis of a Training Mode for Digital Media Majors
  • A New Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Influencing Factors of Physical Education
  • Relevant Influence of Semantic Web Framework on Smart E-Learning Environment
  • Use of Virtual Reality Technology in Animation Course Teaching
  • Changes in Student Autonomy via E-Learning Courses
  • Evaluation of Teaching Effect in Higher Educational Institutions and Identification of Its Influencing Factors
  • The Use of The High-Performance Computing in The Learning Process
  • A Study on the Usage Intention of Japanese Learning Mobile Applications
  • Evidence-based Smartphone Use among Engineering Students in an Academic Writing Course
  • Design and Implementation of A Collaborative Educational Gamification Authoring System

[Link to Issue 16/17]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[mooc] Elektroschutz – im Auftrag unserer Sicherheit (Teil 2) #tugraz #elektro #imoox

Am 13.9.21 ist der zweite Teil des MOOC “Elektroschutz – im Auftrag unserer Sicherheit” gestartet:

Ziel des Kurses ist es, den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern eine Übersicht über das umfassende Themenfeld des Elektroschutzes zu geben. Neben geschichtlichen Aspekten soll einerseits grundlegendes Wissen zur Thematik vermittelt und andrerseits durch spezifische Einheiten einem Fachpublikum technische, naturwissenschaftliche und rechtliche Details zum Elektroschutz nähergebracht werden. Es soll gezeigt werden, dass Elektroschutz die Basis für eine sichere Stromanwendung ist.

Die Anmeldung ist natürlich kostenlos: [Link zur Anmeldung]