[master] Handpose-Estimation-Based Learning Academy for Improving Typing Efficiency #tugraz

Mathias hat im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit sich mit einem sehr interessanten Thema beschäftigt und zwar wie er das Erlernen des 10-Fingersystems unterstützen kann. Dazu verwendet er das Smartphone, filmt die Fingerbewegungen von oben und kann mit Hilfe von KI sehr sehr gut erkennen ob nicht nur das richtige Wort geschrieben wird, sondern ob auch die korrekten Finger verwendet werden. Hier gibt es noch die Folien von seiner erfolgreiche Verteidigung:

Mathias, M. (2024, April 11). Handpose-Estimation-Based Learning Academy for Improving Typing Efficiency. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/ncg5h-arv14

Unite! pioneers open science and multilingual OER courses #oer #unite

I am happy to announce that we are currently working on another exciting OER-Project for our university alliace UNITE!:

In the fast-evolving landscape of higher education, the convergence of Open Science and Open Educational Resources (OER) is proving to be a transformative force. Unite! is taking a bold step forward by adopting the UNESCO recommendations on OER and Open Science to enhance the quality and accessibility of education.

In principle we are developing a multilingual OER-course for all partners and we will provide it as a MOOC @ imoox.at

Find more information at the UNITE! website or just register for the course right here [Registration page]

But before just watch our trailer:


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[presentation] “MOOC-ing ohne Mensch” Fallstudie zum KI- generierten MOOC “Societech” #gmw23 #KI #MOOC #iMoox

Im Rahmen der GMW 2023 Jahrestagung haben wir heuer einen Beitrag zu unserem KI-generierten MOOC gemacht. Die Präsentation mit dem Titel ““MOOC-ing ohne Mensch” Fallstudie zum KI- generierten MOOC “Societech”” steht nun online zur Verfügung:

[Präsentation auf ResearchGate]

[Präsentation im Repository der TU Graz]

[publication] Perceived Effects of Mixed Reality in Distance Learning for the Mining Education Sector #mixedreality #research

One of our contributions to the HCII 2023 was titled “Perceived Effects of Mixed Reality in Distance Learning for the Mining Education Sector” and it got published right now:

Mixed reality as a tool for teaching has made only limited use of its possibilities so far. However, it brings a plethora of new opportunities, with benefits ranging from interactivity to more vividness. These factors could improve numerous areas of teaching. The mining sector would benefit from new methods combined with mixed reality especially. Therefore, the MiReBooks project was launched: Various applications have been developed that can vividly present content using 3D models, virtual field trips and other methods. To verify and further improve these tools, an evaluation phase was conducted. During two test lectures in distance learning, a total of 23 participants answered a posttest questionnaire. The results showed that the teaching quality could be maintained well by the mixed reality application even in distance learning. Students were satisfied with the methods used, attributed good usability to the tool, and felt integrated into the classroom. At the same time, the team realized that the quality of the lesson depends heavily on the quality of the materials and the expertise of the lecturer. It also became clear that other factors, such as the technical infrastructure and support, are particularly important in this format.

[full article @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Thurner, S., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Leitner, P., Daling, L. (2023). Perceived Effects of Mixed Reality in Distance Learning for the Mining Education Sector. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14041. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34550-0_15

[publication] Practitioner Integrated Education for Vital Computational Thinking Skills #tugraz #research #edil23

Our conference paper, titled “Practitioner Integrated Education for Vital Computational Thinking Skills“, at EDMedia and Innovative Learning 2023 conference in Vienna is published.

The leap from formal education to a modern work environment is often surprisingly difficult. Having young people struggle in these transitional periods while entrepreneurs and businesses strive to merge new team members is a worthy cause to investigate. The process of teacher education can not adequately cope with the intensity of technological and methodological progress. Based on expert-driven, participatory workshops in Austria, the effects and benefits of practitioner integration are evaluated. In multiple stages based on an action research methodology, the problem-solving approach of Computational Thinking (CT) was introduced to learners aged 16 to 18 (K-12) with the help of outside practitioners. This research project reveals the immense potential of expert integration in a secondary school classroom setting. The primary research question of “What consequences has practitioner integration on Computational Thinking education?” is answered. With the development of sustainable, interdisciplinary interfaces between teaching staff and industry experts a multitude of systemic problems in the educational system can be mitigated and the missing link to Computational Thinking education established. With all involved stakeholders and driven by the needs of young learners a robust and inclusive path to practitioner integrated Computational Thinking education is established.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[article @ conference’s homepage]

Reference: Pollak, M., Ebner, M. & Sagbauer, N.N. (2023). Practitioner Integrated Education for Vital Computational Thinking Skills. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 593-602). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 31, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222704/.

[article] The good and the bad of AI in education #AI #education #chatGPT #KI

We just wrote a short article about “The good and the bad of AI in education” and summarized our work on “Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review” for Education Technology Insights

You can acess it right here or get the draft version as .pdf as well

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. & Jahic, I. (2023) The good and the bad of AI in education. Educational Technology Insights (online). https://student-engagement.educationtechnologyinsights.com/cxoinsights/the-good-and-the-bad-of-ai-in-education-nid-2451.html [.pdf]

[publication] Makification – Bridging the Gap between Formal and Maker Education #MakerEducation #making #research

Our publication titled “Makification – Bridging the Gap between Formal and Maker Education” was presented at EDMedia and Innovative Learning 2023 conference and got published right now.

Abstract: To achieve appropriate education for the future, we propose a gradual process of makification in which characteristic elements of the maker movement are incorporated into formal educational activities. Using the existing literature, we deduce the need for a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning while integrating essential 21st century skills into the rigid framework of formal education through makification

[preprint @ ResearchGate]
[publication @ publisher’s homepage]

Reference: Sagbauer, N.N., Pollak, M. & Ebner, M. (2023). Makification – Bridging the Gap between Formal and Maker Education. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 264-271). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 19, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222513/

[publicaton] Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review #ai #chatgpt #tugraz #research

We did a first rapid literature review about chatGPT is used in education settings. Our paper titled “Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review” for the EDMedia and Innovative 2023 conference in Vienna is now online available.

Abstract: The usage of AI, more precisely ChatGPT, is almost embedded in our everyday routine. It reduces the time, effort, and cost of performing boring and now also very delicate tasks. It appears that ChatGPT knows everything and knows how to explain everything in a personalized and peculiar way, adjusted to the user’s preferences. In this paper, we will explore how ChatGPT can be used in higher education and what its limitations are, if any at all. We shall endeavor to examine both the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT in education and state of the art. We will use a literature review as our research method to explore and find the necessary answers. We will explore and use various scientific articles, newspaper articles, blog posts, and other relevant literature from many authors. Our results and conclusion will show how to use ChatGPT in the best way in education and what to look out for now that ChatGPT is still available to everyone.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[publication @ AACE]

Reference: Jahic, I., Ebner, M. & Schön, S. (2023). Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1462-1470). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222670/

With this post, I get to end the 2022/23 academic year and say goodbye to summer vacation. I will recover on the mountains and who wants to know where I’m just hanging around, can look at my tours: [My Homepage @ Alpenverein]
Will be back with end of August – cu 🙂

[mooc] Woche 6 im MOOC Societech: Kultur im digitalen Zeitalter: Wandel und Erhalt #imoox #AI #künstliche Intelligenz

Und wir sind bereits in der sechsten Woche unseres KI-generierten MOOCs und diesesmal geht es um das Thema “Kultur im digitalen Zeitalter”:

Wir haben wiederum ein neues Tool gewählt und dabei einen – hoffentlich passenden – Stil für das Kulturvideo gefunden. Hier das finale Video, viel Spaß damit:


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Die Diskussionen, Prompts, die verwendete KI-Software gibt es alles im MOOC und natürlich ist die Teilnahme kostenlos: [Anmeldung zum MOOC Societech]