[publication] The Use of Gamification in Gastronomic Questionnaires

We did a short publication about “The Use of Gamification in Gastronomic Questionnaires” for the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).

Obtaining customer opinions and customer wishes is increasingly becoming an important part of any entrepreneurial activity for determining customer satisfaction and, subsequently, optimizing products and services as well as strengthen customer loyalty. In catering, there are several ways to capture the guest’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction, as well as customer preferences and customer needs across different channels. One way to obtain a customer’s opinion is to provide a digital online questionnaire. Unfortunately, the participation of guests in such surveys is usually low. In addition, many online questionnaires are aborted prematurely, and questions which require an individual text answer are often left unanswered. Gamification is a process to use game ele-ments, game techniques and game mechanics from games in a different context in order to motivate and force people to do certain activities. This paper discusses whether the use of game elements in an existing gastronomical online questionnaire enhances the engagement of users and whether customer satisfac-tion remains the same. Based on an existing gastronomical online questionnaire from the company ITELL.SOLUTIONS GmbH a gamified questionnaire vari-ant has been developed. Game elements such as points, badges, avatar, story, progress bar and instant feedback have been included. The investigation showed that the use of gamification in questionnaires on open questions did not worsen the involvement of users. The customer satisfac-tion remained unchanged by the embedding of game elements too. Users of the expanded game questionnaire tended to give more precise and longer answers. The completion time also slightly increased for the gamified questionnaire. A direct comparison between the two variants of the questionnaire, showed that users preferred the design of the gamified questionnaire.

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Reference: Prott, D., & Ebner, M. (2020). The Use of Gamification in Gastronomic Questionnaires. International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 14(02), pp. 101-118. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v14i02.11695

[presentation] Der Einsatz von Gamification in gastronomischen Fragebögen #master #gamification

David hat versucht mit einem Gamification-Ansatz den mobilen Fragebogen für Feedback in Restaurants zu gestalten. Die Folien seiner Masterarbeitsverteidgung findet man hier:

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[publication] Gamification in MOOCs: A Review of the State of the Art #tugraz #MOOC #research

Our contribution at this year EDUCON conference is about “Gamification in MOOCs: A Review of the State of the Art“. We took a close look to current research studies about game elements in MOOCs and summarized the result.


A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a type of online learning environment that has the potential to increase students’ access to education. However, the low completion rates in MOOCs suggest that student engagement and progression in the courses are problematic. Following the increasing adoption of gamification in education, it is possible that gamification can also be effectively adopted in MOOCs to enhance students’ motivation and increase completion rates. Yet at present, the extent to which gamification has been examined in MOOCs is not known. Considering the myriad gamification elements that can be adopted in MOOCs (e.g., leaderboards and digital badges), this theoretical research study reviews scholarly publications examining gamification of MOOCs. The main purpose is to provide an overview of studies on gamification in MOOCs, types of research studies, theories applied, gamification elements implemented, methods of implementation, the overall impact of gamification in MOOCs, and the challenges faced by researchers and practitioners when implementing gamification in MOOCs. The results of the literature study indicate that research on gamification in MOOCs is in its early stages. While there are only a handful of empirical research studies, results of the experiments generally showed a positive relation between gamification and student motivation and engagement. It is concluded that there is a need for further studies using educational theories to account for the effects of employing gamification in MOOCs.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Wong, J., de Koning, B. B., Ebner, M., & Paas, F. (2018). Gamification in MOOCs: A Review of the State of the Art. In proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (pp. 1635-1644). Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

[app] 1×1 Trainer reward #app #mobileLearning #android

Nach zahlreichen iOS-Apps gibt es nun wieder eine neue Version des 1×1-Trainers für Android mit dem klingenden Namen “1×1 Trainer reward”. Durch ein paar Gamification-Elemente hoffen wir, dass Kinder Spaß am Lernen haben.

Mit dem 1×1 Trainer lernst du leicht das Einmaleins! Schalte Tier für Tier frei, indem du die Aufgaben löst.
Der 1×1 Trainer bringt Kinder spielerisch an das Einmaleins heran. Durch das Freischalten von neuen Tieren und Hintergründen wird Kindern eine Aufgabe gestellt, die Spaß am Lernen von Multiplikationen machen soll.
Es kann sowohl online als auch offline gespielt werden. Die Statistiken aller Herausforderungen können auch eingesehen werden, wodurch man sieht was noch fehlt um ein bestimmtes Tier freizuschalten.

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[publication] Does Gamification in MOOC Discussion Forums Work? #imoox #research #mooc

Our this year’s contribution to the eMOOCs conference is about “Does Gamification in MOOC Discussion Forums Work?“. The chapter is dealing with the idea to enhance a discussion forum with different gamification elements.


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a new form of learning environment aimed towards accessibility and openness using contemporary technologies. One of the MOOC’s key features is the social interaction which usually takes place in discussion forums. This article focuses on reworking and analyzing the existing iMooX forum by enriching the new design with gamification elements. The intended objectives aim at refreshing the current style and improving its handling and usability. This article provides our experience of this implementation as well as examining whether or not the gamification ele-ments can help increase the participation rate and the teacher-to-student and student-to-student communication exchange. Results of the new design showed a good user satisfaction and a slight positive impact.

[Publication @ Springer]

[Draft verstion @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Reischer M., Khalil M., Ebner M. (2017) Does Gamification in MOOC Discussion Forums Work?. In: Delgado Kloos C., Jermann P., Pérez-Sanagustín M., Seaton D., White S. (eds) Digital Education: Out to the World and Back to the Campus. EMOOCs 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10254. Springer, Cham, pp. 95-101. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-59044-8_11

[master] Implementierung von Gamification-Elementen in MOOC-Diskussionsforen #imoox #tugraz

Matthias hat in seiner Masterbeit “Implementierung von Gamification-Elementen in MOOC-Diskussionsforen” das Diskussionforum von iMooX grundlegend überarbeitet und ergänzt. Es ist übrigens seit diesem Semester flächendeckend im Einsatz 🙂 . Hier noch die Folien seiner erfolgreichen Verteidigung seiner Masterarbeit:

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[master] Gamification von Online-Kurse #tugraz

Ines hat ihre Masterarbeit über “Gamification von Online-Kursen” geschrieben und dabei einerseits das Thema aus der Literatur aufgearbeitet und andererseits versucht erstmals Daten aus iMooX auszuwerten für ein Gamification-Element.

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[iPhone] GeoWorld+

iPhone App - GeoWorld+
iPhone App – GeoWorld+
Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2013” ist nun zu allerletzt auch die App GeoWorld+ entstanden. Gegen Punkte und Zeit sollen möglichst schnell und nahe geographische Ziele auf der Weltlandkarte gefunden werden.

GeoWorld+ is the ultimate city-quiz. Playfully learn the geographical location of many cities all around the world. Whether young or old, GeoWorld+ is a challenging way of having fun.

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[iphone] Play & Learn Colors

iPhone App Play & Learn Colors
iPhone App Play & Learn Colors
Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2013” ist die App Play & Learng Colors entstanden. Ziel ist das Erlernen der Farben in der Sprach Englisch für das Vorschulalter. Daher auch die sehr liebevollen Grafiken.

“Play and Learn Colors” is a fun way to learn colors in english.
First, select one of the two currently available worlds: balloons or ships. Wait for the color to be pronounced and select the object in the correct color.Learn new colors as you play. Quit any time you like and start again with the colors you have already learned. The start screen provides a unique overview of all previously learned colors in both worlds.
Play, learn and enjoy great graphics on your iPhone or iPad.

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