[publication] Child-oriented Pilates as intervention to stabilize posture and to correct postural defects on pupils at the age of 10 to 12 years

At the Doctoral Day 2014 we present our work “Child-oriented Pilates as intervention to stabilize posture and to correct postural defects on pupils at the age of 10 to 12 years” to a broad public.

Child-oriented Pilates as intervention to stabilize posture and to correct postural defects on pupils at th… by Martin

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Reference: Deutschmann, D., Parfant, M., Holzer, H.-P., Svehlik, M., Ivanic, G., Ebner, M., Weiglein, A. (2014) Child-oriented Pilates as intervention to stabilize posture and to correct postural defects on pupils at the age of 10 to 12 years. In: Doctoral Day 2014 – Abstract Book. 2014. p. 51