FH Joanneum: 5. eLearning Tag

Am 20. September 2006 (9:00 – 17:00 Uhr) findet unter dem Motto „Life Long eLearning – Evolution der Aus- und Weiterbildung“ der 5. eLearning Tag der FH Joanneum statt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen diesmal Social Software und collaborative eLearning.

Das Programm, die Anmeldung und alles weiter findet man hier.

3rd IEEE International Workshop on PervasivE Learning

March 26-30, 2007 in New York, USA


The workshop series on PervasivE Learning (PerEL) aims to address the issues of pervasive computing in combination with new types and possibilities of learning, teaching and working. This novel research topic has been launched at PerCom 2005 for the first time at all. Its significance is continuously rising. As an example, the „Horizon Report“ published recently states that context-aware environments, augmented reality, and educational gaming are three out of six major technological trends for electronic learning during the next years. Pervasive learning is a key technology for tomorrow´s e-knowledge society.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • mobile communication (asynchronous, synchronous)
  • service and session mobility as well as device independency
  • techniques for cooperative learning or working
  • document, knowledge, and service management
  • realization of pervasive learning scenarios
  • best practice studies and experiences
  • tools and architectures for mobile/ubiquitous learning
  • smart devices and device-independent presentation
  • learning networks