[publication] Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development

Our publication about „Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development“ has been published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.


Augmented Reality (AR) is the evolution of the concept of Virtual Reality (VR). Its goal is to enhance a person’s perception of the surrounding world. AR is a fast growing state of the art technology and a variety of implementation tools thereof exist today. Due to the heterogeneity of available technologies, the choice of the appropriate framework for a mobile application is difficult to make. These frameworks implement different tracking techniques and have to provide support to various constraints. This publication aims to point out that the choice of the appropriate framework depends on the context of the app to be developed. As expected, it is accurate that no framework is entirely the best, but rather that each exhibits strong and weak points. Our results demonstrate that given a set of constraints, one framework can outperform others. We anticipate our research to be the starting point for testing of other frameworks, given various constraints. The frameworks evaluated here are open- source or have been purchased under Academic License.

Reference: Marneanu, I., Ebner, M., Rössler, T. (2014) Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. Vol. 8 (4), pp. 37-44 [Link to the Article]

[master, presentation] Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development

Iulia did her masterthesis about the „Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development“ – here you can find the slides of the defense:

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[Android App] Math Evo

Math EvoIm Rahmen einer Projektarbeit ist die App Math Evo für Android entstanden. Dabei stand der Gedanke im Vordergrund spielerisch Kinder zu unterstützen beim einfachen addieren und subtrahieren. Herausgekommen ist ein Spiel das vielleicht ein wenig an den Klassiker Donkey Kong erinnert 🙂 . Wir wünschen viel Spaß damit und freuen uns auf Rückmeldungen.

Math Evo ist ein Lernspiel für Kinder im Volksschulalter, das sich zusammen mit dem Lernerfolg evolutionär weiterentwickelt. Löse einfache Rechenaufgaben, indem du jene Leitern auswählst, die als Ergebnis die Zahl im rechten oberen Bildschirmrand ergeben. Sammle Sterne, um das Aussehen des Spiels zu verändern!

[LINK zur App]
[LINK zu weiteren Apps der TU Graz]

[Android] OER Wiki

OER WikiNach der iOS-App gibt es die App nun auch im Google Play Store für Android-Geräte. Die App ist sozusagen mit der iOS-App deckungsgleich und hat die gleichen Funktionen:

OER Wiki allows You to search multiple Wikis for Information with just one click.
Explore new Open Educational Resources.
Search more than a dozen predefined Wikis simultaneously.
Read great articles with the integrated Reader.
Add new Wikis easily.


  • Select Wikis,
  • Add Wikis,
  • Bookmarks,
  • Sharing,
  • Random-Articles,
  • Articles-Browsing,
  • License-Guide

[Link im Google-Play-Store]

[presentation] Human Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications

For our lecture on „Mobile Applications“ I did a lecture on „Human Interface Guidelines for Mobile Applications„. Here are the slides:

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[Android] MathMemory

Über die iPhone App MatheMemory hab ich bereits hier berichtet. Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit haben wir es jetzt auch für Android-Gerät umgesetzt. Wir freuen uns wie immer auf Einsatzberichte und Rückmeldungen:

The MatheMemory App allows children to start learning mathematic playfully. Behind the memory cards with funny motifs hide tricky plus and minus calculations and results. The Goal is to find the right results to the according calculations. Different stages provide different levels of difficulty and balloons signal the number of cards. Both can be easily selected. Wether in the jungle or in the circus, nothing is blocking the funny calculating!
Depending on the level, the numbers are between 0 and 50. Addition and subtraction are used. Finding the right calculation and result pairs is rewarded with funny motifs and sounds and thus positive associated.

MatheMemory im GooglePlay-Store: Link

[publication] Fun – A Prerequisite for Learning Games

Our second publication at this year ED-Media Confernece in Denver, USA is now online available. It ist about the learning game we did to enhance the fun factor during learning. The slides of the talk are already published here. If you like to know more about the game follow this link.

Mobile games are booming. On average, every child in Central Europe aged 15 years has a mobile phone on his/her own today. If a closer look is taken, it can be pointed out that children mainly own a smart phone running on iOS or Android operating systems. With other words, the youth carry very strong and powerful devices in their pockets, which can and should be used for educational purposes too. In this publication we like to introduce a new mobile game basing on the old traditional concept of learning cards but in a new innovative and more collaborating variant. The first prototype is presented that has been tested by a number of students and educators. It can be shown that the game is motivating and engaging. Furthermore an occurring incidental learning effect can be carried out, which leads to the assumption that mobile games can play an important role for the future of education and it makes simply fun.

Fun – A Prerequisite for Learning Games

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Reference: Hannak, C., Pilz, M. & Ebner, M. (2012). Fun – A Prerequisite for Learning Games. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 1292-1299). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[l3t] Android L3T E-Book

Die schriftliche Ausarbeitung der Android-App für L3T ist nun online verfügbar – viel Spaß beim Lesen:

Android L3T E-Book

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