[publication] A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review #VR #AR #tugraz #research

Our publication about „A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review“ at this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam is online available:

Virtual reality devices are not an invention of the previous years. In fact, those are applicable since the 60s and therefore many scholars have elaborated in the potential of virtual reality as a learning platform. There are many diverse ways to integrate these techniques into the classroom. Affordable devices in combination with concepts like making legitimate the usage for learning. Pedagogical motivation factors like collaborations and gamification amply justify the usage of modern VR technologies as a learning platform. A variety of application have been used already in classrooms but in higher education, there is a need to catch up. Those examples have been divided by the way they make use of virtual systems and how they provide supervision. This literature review describes the functional classification of virtual reality, how it typically applies to learning and how it represents the key features for a didactically valuable usage. As a result of the literature research, a framework for the use of mixed reality in education has been developed allowing to spot new capabilities for the implementation of future VR or AR applications. This paper will also clarify the proper direction of development and the potential impact on future educational domains.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kommetter, C. & Ebner, M. (2019). A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 901-911). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

[presentation] Introducing Augmented Reality at Secondary Colleges of Engineering

Thanks to Andreas – he gave a short presentaion of his exciting work about the use of augmented reality in classroom at an engineering school in Austria at this year International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE2018).
Here you can find his slides:

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[publication] Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development

Our publication about “Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development” has been published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.


Augmented Reality (AR) is the evolution of the concept of Virtual Reality (VR). Its goal is to enhance a person’s perception of the surrounding world. AR is a fast growing state of the art technology and a variety of implementation tools thereof exist today. Due to the heterogeneity of available technologies, the choice of the appropriate framework for a mobile application is difficult to make. These frameworks implement different tracking techniques and have to provide support to various constraints. This publication aims to point out that the choice of the appropriate framework depends on the context of the app to be developed. As expected, it is accurate that no framework is entirely the best, but rather that each exhibits strong and weak points. Our results demonstrate that given a set of constraints, one framework can outperform others. We anticipate our research to be the starting point for testing of other frameworks, given various constraints. The frameworks evaluated here are open- source or have been purchased under Academic License.

Reference: Marneanu, I., Ebner, M., Rössler, T. (2014) Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. Vol. 8 (4), pp. 37-44 [Link to the Article]

[master, presentation] Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development

Iulia did her masterthesis about the “Evaluation of Augmented Reality Frameworks for Android Development” – here you can find the slides of the defense:

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