[publication] A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children

Our chapter about “A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children” as part of the book “Immersive Education” got published.

Collaboration has a very positive effect on students’ learning experiences as well as their social interactions. Our research study aims towards enhancing the learning experience, stimulating communication and cooperative behavior to improve learning. Making use of recent technological advancements (tablets) and gaming as a motivational factor, a prototype application in form of a multiplayer learning game for iPads was designed and developed. In a face-to-face setting, connecting up to four devices, the players (learners) have to solve word puzzles in a collaborative way. Furthermore, a web-interface for teachers provides the possibility to create custom content as well as to receive feedback of the children’s performance. A first field study at two primary schools in Graz showed promising results for the learning behavior of school children.

[Link to draft version at ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Kienleitner, B. (2015) A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children. In: Immersive Education. Ebner et al (Ed.). Springer. New York-Berlin-Heidelberg. pp 3-16

Computerspiele und Unterricht: Lernen für den Highscore des Lebens

Im Rahmen eines Interviews des Standards wurde ich zu unserem Appentwicklungen befragt – unter anderem führe ich die Buchstabenpost und die Mathetrainer an:

… Er und sein Team forschen daran, wie sich iPads im Schulunterricht einsetzen lassen und entwickeln dazu Apps zur spielerischen Vermittlung von Lehrinhalten, die frei zugänglich sind und bereits an österreichischen Schulen im Einsatz sind. Dabei konzentrieren sich die steirischen Wissenschafter auf solche Programme, bei denen die Schüler nicht einsam am Tablet arbeiten, sondern durch die Vernetzung der iPads Aufgaben gemeinsam lösen …

[Link zum Zeitungsartikel]

[presentation] A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children

Our presentation about “A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children” at this year 4th European Immersive Education Summit is now online available. I talked about our application “Buchstabenpost“, which can be used by anyone who is interested in it. Enjoy the slides and if there is any question, just ask 🙂

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