[presentation] Be creative and just Make IT! #makereducation #makerdays #tugraz

I am giving today a short introduction in our maker education activities, especially about the MakerDays for Kids, at the IMAGINE 18 conference in vienna. Here you can find the slides of the talk:

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[presentation] Designing a Makerspace for Children – Let’s Do It #makerdays #making #research

Thanks a lot to Maria who did the presentation about our contribution „Designing a Makerspace for Children – Let’s Do It“ at this year edurobotics conference in Rome. Here you can find the slides:

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[presentation] Introducing Augmented Reality at Secondary Colleges of Engineering

Thanks to Andreas – he gave a short presentaion of his exciting work about the use of augmented reality in classroom at an engineering school in Austria at this year International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE2018).
Here you can find his slides:

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[publication] Kissed by the Muse: Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board #Making #MakerEducation

At this year Ed-Media conference in Amsterdam we published our research work about „Kissed by the Muse: Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board“.


A critical approach to new technologies requires a general understanding of the logical and technical aspects behind them. In the German-speaking part of Europe, we experience, that computer science education in school is still considered less important than other scientific subjects, especially in secondary and primary school. This is particularly disadvantageous for girls, as they stick to gender stereotypes and social expectation and do not opt for a male-dominated career path. To foster kids and teenagers’ interest in science, technology and particularly in programming, we believe, that active encouragement in school and hands-on experience play a vital role. Visual programming languages, age-appropriate development environments and educational robots or boards like the Calliope mini allow an easy entry into this field. To impart coding skills and to practise computational thinking, the Graz University of Technology offered workshops with the title “Coding with the Calliope mini – a playful approach to the digital world”. The aim of the paper is to present the Calliope initiative and to describe the importance of extracurricular offers to promote computer science education for boys and girls. The outcome of the study shows that the Calliope mini can boost programming activities and attract students. Nevertheless, the results show, that it does not influence teenage girls’ decisions for their future life and career, which correspond to gender stereotypes.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Grandl, M. & Ebner, M. (2018). Kissed by the Muse: Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 606-615). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[presentation] OER an Hochschulen – Entwicklungen in Österreich #OER #Austria #OpenEducation

Open Educational Resources bzw. Open Education ist eines meiner großen Anliegen, da ich felsenfest davon überzeugt bin, dass man dadurch einerseits Bildung besser erreichbar machen kann und andererseits erst dann die Potentiale der Digitalisierung genutzt werden können. Daher versuchen wir das Thema national weiter zu verankern. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass man mich zur OER-KA Konferenz über „Freie Bildungsmaterialien in der Hochschullehre“ als Keynote-Speaker eingeladen hat um die österreichischen Entwicklungen aufzuzeigen. Hier einmal meine Folien:

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Die wichtigsten Inhalte im Rahmen der Präsentation:

  • Empfehlungen für die Integration von Open Educational Resources an Hochschulen in Österreich [Link]
  • Konzept OER-Zertifizierung an österreichischen Hochschulen [Link]
  • Open Education Austria Projekt [Link]
  • OER-Leitfaden [Link]
  • OER-Canvas [Link]

Open Acces Tage in Graz – wir sind dabei #OER #imoox #OEA

Wir freuen uns, dass wir heuer auch bei den Open-Access-Tagen in Graz mit unserem Lieblingsthema (OER) vertreten sein werden. Es wurde heuer auch als Schwerpunkt aufgenommen und da haben wir natürlich die Chance genutzt. Sowohl die OER-Stratgie, iMooX oder auch das Open Education Austria Projekt – zu erzählen haben wir ja viel. Noch mehr freuen würde uns, wenn viele vorbei schauen und mitdiskutieren 🙂

Unserer Programmpunkte:

  1. 25.9 11.30-13.00 Uhr: Wie erstelle ich OER? (Open Training Workshop)
  2. 25.9 16.30-18.20 Uhr: OER in Österreich – ein Überblick über die nationale Strategie (Aufbau einer nationalen OER-Infrastruktur am Beispiel des Open-Education-Austria-Projektes)
  3. 26.9 9.30-11.00 Uhr: iMooX – eine MOOC-Plattform mit OER? (Communities & Community-Tools)

[Programm der Open-Access-Tage 2018]

[publication] It’s in your pocket: A MOOC about programming for kids and the role of OER in teaching and learning contexts #imoox #mooc #tugraz

Our publication about „It’s in your pocket: A MOOC about programming for kids and the role of OER in teaching and learning contexts“ at this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft got published right now.


Programming is considered as an essential skill in the 21st century. Visual programming languages and age-appropriate development environments allow an easy entry into this field. Nevertheless, it is very challenging to bring those skills in a very short time frame to schools, to their teachers, and to school children themselves. Therefore, Graz University of Technology started a Massive Open Online Course named “Learning to code: Programming with Pocket Code” which is intended to teach coding skills to school children as well as teachers in a very fast, flexible and effective way. The learning content within the course is published under an open license to allow the reuse, modification and dissemination of the materials in different teaching and learning contexts. In this research work, we will present structure and concept of the MOOC. A special emphasis will be given on how the MOOC can be used in school and on the fact, that the content can be disseminated in a variety of ways.

[Link to article @ ResearchGate]

[Link to article @ Conference Proceeding Database]

Reference: Grandl, M., Ebner, M., Slany, W., Janisch, S. (2018) It’s in your pocket: A MOOC about programming for kids and the role of OER in teaching and learning contexts.In: Conference Proceeding Open Educational Global Conference 2018. p. 9. Delft, Netherlands

[publication] Transferring learning dashboards to new contexts: experiences from three case studies #LearningAnalytics #STELA

Our publication about „Transferring learning dashboards to new contexts: experiences from three case studies“ at this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft got published right now.


This papers focuses on the use of learning dashboards in higher education to foster self-regulated learning and open education. Students in higher education have to evolve to independent and lifelong learners. Actionable feedback during learning that evokes critical self-reflection, helps to set learning goals, and strengthens self-regulation will be supportive in the process. Therefore, this paper presents three case studies of learning analytics in higher education and the experiences in transferring them from one higher education institute than the other. The learning dashboard from the three case studies is based on two common underlying principles. First, they focus on the inherent scalability and transferability of the dashboard: both considering the underlying data and the technology involved. Second, the dashboard use as underlying theoretical principles Actionable Feedback and the Social Comparison Theory. The learning dashboards from the case studies are not considered as the contribution of this paper, as they have been presented elsewhere. This paper however describes the three learning dashboards using the general framework of Greller and Drachsler (2012) to enhance understanding and comparability. For each of the case study, the actual experiences of transferability obtained within a European collaboration project (STELA, 2017) are reported. This transferability and scalability is the first-step of creating truly effective Open Educational Resources from the Learning Analtyics Feedback dashboards. The paper discusses how this collaboration impacted and transformed the institutes involved and beyond. The use of open education technology versus proprietary solutions is described, discussed, and translated in recommendations. As such the research work provides insight on how learning analytics resources could be transformed into open educational resources, freely usable in other higher education institutes.

[Link to article @ ResearchGate]

[Link to article @ Conference Proceeding Database]

Reference: De Laet, T., Broos, T., van Staalduinen, J.-P., Ebner, M., Leitner, P. (2018)Transferring learning dashboards to new contexts: experiences from three case studies. In: Conference Proceeding Open Educational Global Conference 2018. p. 14. Delft, Netherlands

[publication] Orthography Training with IDeRBlog-an Open Educational Resources Practice #iderblog #oer #learninganalytics

Our publication about „Orthography Training with IDeRBlog-an Open Educational Resources Practice“ at this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft got published right now.


The article depicts the blogging platform IDeRBlog as an example of an Open Educational Resources Practice. The exercise databases of IDeRBlog are focussed in the context of orthography training. After briefly outlining Open Educational Resources an overview on how the exercises were researched and reviewed according to an established quality framework is given. This is followed by the Analysis of missing exercises and the creation of IDeRBlog exercises by the project team.

[Link to article @ ResearchGate]

[Link to article @ Conference Proceeding Database]

Reference: Gros, M., Aspalter, C., Ebner, M., Ebner, M., Steinhauer, N., Adolph, H., Ankner, L., Biermeier, S., Cormann, M., Edtstadler, K., Ernst, S., Gabriel, S., Goor, G., Huppertz, A., Irmag, K., Leitner, P., Martich, S., Taraghi, B., Ullmann, M. & Wintschnig, M. (2018) Orthography Training with IDeRBlog-an Open Educational Resources Practice. In: Open Education Global Conference 2018: OEGlobal2018. Van Valkenburg, W. & Schuwer, R. (Hrsg.). Delft University of Technology, 5 S.

[presentation] Tausend tolle Sachen – Wer, Wie, Was? #OER #TEL

Im Rahmen der Tagung „Digitalisierung der Bildung“ in Chur darf ich heute rund um das Thema freie Bildungsressourcen (OER) reden – hier unsere Folien dazu:

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