[presentation] Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies #tugraz #research

Irma did her master’s thesis about „Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies„. The slides of her defense are now available online:

Halilovic Salki, I. (2024, Juni 26). Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/t4n9s-7vy95

[publication] Supporting Learning and Teaching with Good Design: Report and Lessons Learned from Learning Experience Design in Higher Education #LXD #tugraz #research

Our chaper about „Supporting Learning and Teaching with Good Design: Report and Lessons Learned from Learning Experience Design in Higher Education“ got published (online first) and is free available 🙂

Learning experience design (LXD), that is, the conscious design of learning experiences based on the principles and methods of the design discipline, is a term that is increasingly being used in the design of (digital) learning environments. The aim is to make learning a positive, exciting experience for the learner. This article will introduce the understanding of “learning experience design” and describe its application at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). As creativity is a base for the design discipline, the organizational unit “educational technology” sees LXD as a chance to develop innovative, quality online teaching and learning materials. The article will show the application and results of LXD of several different projects and resources developed for teachers and students by the educational technology team at TU Graz: the student study progress dashboard, the TELucation website relaunch, and the development of a modifiable digital template for lecturer training.

[chapter @ book’s homepage]
[chapter @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., & Schön, S. (2022). Supporting Learning and Teaching with Good Design: Report and Lessons Learned from Learning Experience Design in Higher Education. In K. Kang, & M. F. Namisango (Eds.), E-service Digital Innovation [Working Title]. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.107489

[mooc] Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching #fhstp #imoox

The exciting MOOC about „Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching“ startet at iMooX.at a couple of days ago:

This English-language MOOC is aimed at people who want to apply the basic principles, methods and mindset of design thinking in various educational settings. It is aimed at university teachers and researchers from all disciplines as well as people working in various areas of adult education, vocational training and internal training in institutions or companies. 
The MOOC will first provide an introduction to the methodology as well as an overview of what is important when applying it in different educational settings. Then the participants are invited to follow the steps Empathize, Define, Ideate and Iterate based on background information about them and to implement them themselves. A variety of methods that can be used in dialogue with learners will also be introduced.  
In total, you will spend a maximum of 25 hours (1 ECTS), with the focus on doing it yourself, experiencing the Design Thinking approach in educational settings.

The participation is – as usual – completly free: [Regristration for the free online-course]

[presentation] The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study #edil22 #tugraz #research #canvas

We are happy to present our research about „The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study“ at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022 conference.

Find here our slides as well as the recording of the talk:


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[publication] Learning Experience Design – zur Gestaltung von technologiegestützten Lernerfahrungen mit Methoden der Design-Entwicklung #LXD #UX #design #tugraz

Wir haben in einem Beitrag für das E-Learning Handbuch unsere langjährige Erfahrungen zusammen geschrieben, um damit einen besseren Überblick über die Notwendigkeit von Learning Experience Design in Zusammenhang mit den Lehr- und Lernsystemen der Zukunft zu geben.

Learning Experience Design (LXD), also die bewusste, auf Grundlagen und Methoden der Designdisziplin erfolgten Gestaltung von Lernerfahrungen, ist ein Begriff der immer häufiger bei der Gestaltung von (digitalen) Lernumgebungen genannt wird. Zielsetzung ist dabei, das Lernen zu einer positiven, spannenden Erfahrung für die Lerner/innen zu machen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt den Prozess des Learning Experience Designs im deutschsprachigen Raum und erläutert, wie sich diese Designdisziplin zur Gestaltung von Lernerfahrungen mit Lernenden anwenden lässt und nennt Bezüge zu Design im Allgemeinen, Learning Experience Design, Interaction Design, User Experience Design sowie Grafikdesign. Es werden dazu Fachbegriffe erläutert, Abläufe, Methoden und Verfahren zur Umsetzung, sowie zahlreiche Beispiele, u.a. aus unterschiedlichen Umsetzungen der Technischen Universität Graz (TU Graz) dargestellt. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Beschreibung von Herausforderungen sowie einen Ausblick auf die aktuellen Professionalisierungsbestrebungen und -entwicklungen.

[Vorabversion @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Jacqueline Kircher, Eva-Maria Burger, Martin Ebner und Sandra Schön (2021). Learning Experience Design – zur Gestaltung von technologiegestützten Lernerfahrungen mit Methoden der Design-Entwicklung. In K. Wilbers & A. Hohenstein (Hrsg.), Handbuch E- Learning. Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis – Strategien, Instrumente, Fallstudien, 93. Erg.-Lfg. Oktober 2021, Beitrag 4.78.

[presentation] Introducing Augmented Reality at Secondary Colleges of Engineering

Thanks to Andreas – he gave a short presentaion of his exciting work about the use of augmented reality in classroom at an engineering school in Austria at this year International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE2018).
Here you can find his slides:

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[article] Design & Usability im E-Learning #fnma

Im letzten fnm-magazin des Vereins Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria haben wir einen kurzen Artikel generell zu Design & Usability geschrieben.


Die Definition von Usability für Software in der ISO-Norm 9241 Teil 11 aus dem Jahre 1998 ist zwar allgemein gefasst und trotzdem hat sie mehr denn je Gültigkeit. Die unüberschaubare Anzahl an Web-Anwendungen und Softwarelösungen machen es für den/die User/in nicht selten schwierig eine geeignete Auswahl für den eigenen Nutzen zu treffen. Die gewünschte Applikation soll einfach (efficiency) und zeitsparend (effectiveness) zu verwenden sein und darüber hinaus soll sie auch noch Spaß machen (satisfaction). Zunehmend spielt also der Aspekt Usability eine entscheidende Rolle. Durch eine hochwertige Umsetzung von Usability-Gesichtspunkten wird versucht die gewünschten Anforderungen adäquat abzudecken

[Link zum Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Geier, G., Ebner, M. (2016) Design & Usability im E-Learning. fnm-magazin. 04/2016. S. 14-15

[publication] MOOCs as granular systems: design patterns to foster participant activity

Our publication about „MOOCs as granular systems: design patterns to foster participant activity“ is now published as part of the new eLearning papers issue.


MOOCs often suffer from high drop-out and low completion rates. At the beginning of the course, the audience is indeed “massive”; thousands of people wait for the course to begin, but in the end only a low number of participants stay active and complete the course. This paper answers the research question “Is there a specific point during an xMOOC where learners decide to drop out of the course or to become lurkers?” by identifying MOOCs as a challenging learning setting with a “drop-out problem” and a decrease in participant activity after the fourth to fifth course week. These are the first results of a Learning Analytics view on participant activity within three Austrian MOOCs. This “drop-out point” led the paper to introduce a design pattern or strategy to overcome the “drop-out point”: “Think granular!” can be seen as an instructional design claim for MOOCs in order to keep participant activity and motivation high, and that results in three design patterns: four-week MOOCs, granular certificates and suspense peak narratives

[Link to full article]

Reference: Lackner, E., Ebner, M., Khalil, M. (2015) MOOCs as granular systems: design patterns to foster participant activity, eLearning Papers, 42 (2015), pp. 28-37

[vidoe] Designstudie Flip-Phone

Es ist zwar nur eine Designstudie erstellt bei einem Workshop, aber trotzdem sehr schön, wenn viele kreative Köpfe über die Mobiltelefone von morgen nachdenken. Und so unrealistisch find ich es nicht mal 🙂


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What is being creative? from Kristian Ulrich Larsen on Vimeo.