[interview] Using AI-Generated Instructor Video for Multilingual Content in MOOCs #tugraz #edtech

Benedikt gave an interview about „Using AI-Generated Instructor Video for Multilingual Content in MOOCs“ to the „Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education“ and introduced our recent research on AI-genereated videos:

Benedikt Brünner is a member of the e-education team at TU Graz, and facilitates the production of avatars, assets, audio and video. As part of his PhD project he has conducted initial survey research to gauge students’ reactions to AI avatars. While most students found the avatars to be authentic and natural, they still preferred real human teachers over AI avatars. However, many students indicated that they would not have realized that the videos were AI-generated, which shows the increasing sophistication of the technology.
In the interview, Benedikt Brünner discusses the potential of generative AI for creating educational videos.

[Link to the interview]

[presentation] EdTech Talk: Learning Analytics & MOOCs #research #talk #online #tugraz

Am 24.1.24 darf ich einen EdTech Talk zum Thema „Learning Analytics & MOOCs“ halten:

In diesem Talk wird die nationale MOOC-Plattform iMooX vorgestellt und welche Einblicke Learning Analytics im Laufe der Zeit ermöglichten. So konnten einerseits Kursersteller:innen ihre Online-Kurse besser optimieren und ihre Lernenden kennenlernen. Aber auch die Analysen im Video-Bereich zeigen einige interessante Ergebnisse. Learning Analytics haben gut zur Entwicklung der Plattform und der Kurse, aber auch zum Verständnis über das Lehren und Lernen beigetragen.

Jeder kann bitte gerne teilnehmen und mit mir über das Thema diskutieren: [Anmeldung zum EdTech Talk]

[publication] Developing a Professional Profile of a Digital Ethics Officer in an Educational Technology Unit in Higher Education #Learninganalytics #ethics #tugraz #research

Our chapter about „Developing a Professional Profile of a Digital Ethics Officer in an Educational Technology Unit in Higher Education“ is published right now.

The digitalisation of learning, teaching, and study processes has a major impact on possible evaluations and uses of data, for example with regard to individual learning recommendations, prognosis, or assessments. This also gives rise to ethical issues centered around digital teaching and possible challenges of data use. One possible approach to this challenge might be to install a Digital Ethics Officer (DEO), whose future profile this paper outlines for a Educational Technology unit of a Higher Education Institution (HEI). Therefore, an introductory overview of the tasks and roles of Ethics Officers (EO) is given based on the literature. The authors then describe the current ethics program of a university of technology and collect current and potential ethical issues from the field of educational technologies. Based on this, a first professional profile for a DEO at an educational technology unit of a university is described. From the authors’ point of view, the article thus prepares important considerations and steps for the future of this position.

[article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Andrews, D., Leitner, P., Schön, S., Ebner, M. (2022). Developing a Professional Profile of a Digital Ethics Officer in an Educational Technology Unit in Higher Education. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing the Learner and Teacher Experience. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13328. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05657-4_12