[publication] Supporting Sustainable and User-Oriented Educational Technology Innovation with the University Innovation Canvas #tugraz #digitaltransformation #research

Our contribution titled “Supporting Sustainable and User-Oriented Educational Technology Innovation with the University Innovation Canvas” was published in the newest issue of Education Sciences.

Innovating higher education teaching and learning is challenging due to structural, cultural, and resource-related reasons, and research indicates that university innovation benefits from a bottom-up approach as well as strategic alignment with university objectives. In this paper, we investigate such bottom-up innovation processes within higher education as supported by a specific tool: the University Innovation Canvas (UIC). Adapted from the Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas, the UIC is designed to promote educational technology innovation and foster alignment of the innovation process with strategic objectives of the university: namely, sustainability and user orientation. An evaluation of the UIC based on interview and questionnaire data shows that its usage differs between innovation teams (on paper vs. digital, individual vs. collaborative, co-located vs. remotely, and synchronous vs. asynchronous). UIC usability is linked with these differences and with teams’ experience in realizing innovations. Overall, the UIC is perceived to be useful by (particularly, less-experienced) innovation teams and is successful at supporting sustainable and user-oriented innovations, as 14/15 innovations are still in use after up to four years since completion. To maximize its potential, more effort needs to be devoted to improving understanding of the UIC and supporting different workflows of innovation teams in the future.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Bangerl, M.; Dennerlein, S.; Maitz, K.; Nitschke, M.; Ebner, M.; Pammer-Schindler, V. Supporting Sustainable and User-Oriented Educational Technology Innovation with the University Innovation Canvas. Educ. Sci. 202414, 528. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14050528

[presentation] (Digital) Higher Education

Today I am able to give a short talk about “(Digital) Higher Educaction” at the “The New Student: Flexible Learning Paths and Future Learning Environments” conference in Vienna.

Here you can find my slides for the talk:

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[interview] “Never before have we had such power in our pockets”

A couple of days ago I was asked if I can give an interview about our activities and my personal opinion about the future of educational technology. The final text with the promising title „Never before have we had such power in our pockets” can be read right here.
Hopefully, it is an interest read, if you have any comment I am happy to answer it 🙂

[“Never before have we had such power in our pockets”]

Lehr- und Lerntechnologien / Educational Technology #tugraz

Ich darf mit heutigem Datum die Organisationseinheit Lehr- und Lerntechnologien unter der Leitung des Vizerektors für Lehre an der Technischen Universität Graz leiten. Das Rektorat hat damit ein aus meiner Sicht damit die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt und ein wichtiges Signal gesetzt: Technologien sind nahtloser Bestandteil des gesamten Lehr- und Lernprozesses insbesondere auch an einer Universtität.
Für uns bedeutet es einen riesigen Schritt aus einer 2006 gegründeten Arbeitsgruppe und seit 2007 Unterabteilung des Zentralen Informatikdienstest in die Eigenverantwortung. Als Ziel hab ich mir vorgenommen noch stärker Technologien in den Lehrbetrieb zu integrieren und die Online-Welt mit der Universität zu verschmelzen bzw. auch entscheidend voranzubringen. Hier geht es zu unserer Homepage: [Link]

It’s a great pleasure that I can announce that till today a new department Educational Technology has been founded at Graz University of Technology. I will take it over aiming to strengthen the integration of technology in education – for teaching as well as learning. So just visit our homepage and let us keep in touch: [Link]

Educational Technology