We did a publication about „Practical Usage of OER Material in the EFL Classroom“ and give an overview about daily barriers when you try to use OER in classrooms. The findings are for sure interesting.
In this research work, we want to follow the idea of using open educational resources (OER) in a classroom to gather practical experiences. The topic of our choice is English as a foreign language (EFL), because in our opinion a lot of teaching content should be available. The preparation of the lectures, as well as the final lecturing, is described to understand how OER can be used in the EFL classroom. The feedback of the pupils and the lessons learned point out that there are more obstacles than expected, mainly because of the strict copyright law in German-speaking Europe.
[Full Chapter @ Book Homepage]
Reference: Maria Haas, Martin Ebner and Sandra Schön (July 18th 2018). Practical Usage of OER Material in the EFL Classroom, Advanced Learning and Teaching Environments Núria Llevot, IntechOpen, pp. 123-136 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72452.