Die nächste App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien – iPhone Development” ist ab sofort im App-Store verfügbar. Diese App soll Personen mit Einschränkung helfen sich spielend zu verbessern. Die Idee zu dieser App ist Teil einer Doktorarbeit an der TU Graz und wird auch in der Praxis nun erprobt:
The gameplay of this application is based on the well-known memory game. The remarkable thing is that this game supports several modes. The entry can be done with the standard touch the buttons or playing cards or by tilt steering. The output is graphically or acoustically. During the acoustic Version will be issued all game actions, so the navigation and the whole game can be performed without looking at the screen. Also in the presentation of images, there are choices. Thus, with normal or simple images or symbols to be played. The contrast setting provides a more Ability to configure. The player may at any time decide whether a simple, medium or difficult game should be started, which differ in each case the number of pairs of cards. in the simple game are 6 cards in the middle game of 12 cards and 20 cards in the game serious before.
Hier kann die App downgeloadet werden [Link] und alle weiteren verfügbaren Apps der TU Graz findet man hier [iTunes Link].