[presentation] How Activities Related to Maker Education Contribute to Overcome Entry Barriers for Girls into Formal Technical Education Pathways – Case Study of Holiday Camps at a Technical Secondary Vocational School in Austria #edil22 #research #makereducation #tugraz

We are happy to present our research about „How Activities Related to Maker Education Contribute to Overcome Entry Barriers for Girls into Formal Technical Education Pathways – Case Study of Holiday Camps at a Technical Secondary Vocational School in Austria“ at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022 conference.

Find here our slides of the talk:

[poster] How to reach more girls in makerspace settings @ Edurobotics 2018 #making

Maria presented out joint research on how to reach more girls in makerspaces/maker education at the Edurobotics conference 2018 in Rome. Thanks a lot for the presentation!


You find the poster as well online:

Sandra Schön, Margarethe Rosenova, Martin Ebner and Maria Grandl (2018). How to support girls’
participation at projects in makerspace settings. Overview on current recommendations. In: EduRobotics 2018 in Rome, Poster: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328175572, as pdf: