[publication] @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets

Our publication on “@twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets” for this year Research 2.0 Workshop at ECTEL Conference is now online available. The slides you will find here.

The microblogging platform Twitter is beside Facebook the fastest growing social networking application of the last years. It is used in different ways, e.g. to enhance events (conferences) by sending updates, hyperlinks or other data as a news-stream to a broader public. Until now the stream ends with the end of the event. In this publication a new application is introduced that allows information retrieval and knowledge discovery by searching through local stored tweets related to a corresponding event. The architecture of the prototype is described as well as how the data is being accessed by a web application and a local client. It can be stated that making tweets available after the end of an event, enhances the way we deal with information in future.

Reference: Mühlburger, H.; Ebner, M.; Taraghi, B., (2010) @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets. – in: Research 2.0 approaches to TEL. (2010), S. 76 – 85, Workshop Proceeding, ECTEL 2010, [Link]

[presentation] @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets

Our presentation about “@twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets” for this year ECTEL-Conference is now online. We will talk about our application concerning the export of tweets and the offline searchability: Grabeeter. Slides which are presented within the Workshop Research 2.0: