[publication] Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy

Our publication about „Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy“ is published within the new issue of the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.


The research study at hand aims to answer the question, whether an innovative information system can be implemented that will help to enhance reading literacy of elementary pupils.
Based on predefined reading tests this web-based system evaluates the reading literacy of pupils. It consists of two primary parts; the system that creates and evaluates such reading tests and the test platform itself.
In order to assess the system a field test was conducted. Therefore it was tested in two school classes. In the course of this study reading tests were carried out and retrieved data and results were evaluated.
Despite some minor usability problems, the system performed very well. The test system delivered good estimations of the reading capabilities of single pupils and classes. Of special interest is the system’s analysis of the created reading tests since the system is capable of evaluating reading test according to their difficulty.

[Link to the full paper]

Reference: Picher, P., Ebner, M. (2015) Development of an Information System to Enhance Students Reading Literacy, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), pp. 15-21, 10 (3), https://dx.doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v10i3.4457

Special Issue: MashUps for Learning

We are very happy that we can announce that the Special Issue on „MahsUps for Learning“ is now published (open access). Togehter with Sandra and Ralf the results of our Workshop at last year ICL Conference are online available:

The special track “Mashups for Learning” (MASHL 2009) took place within the “International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning” (ICL 2009) in Villach, Austria. Personal Learning Environments (PLE) are the application type for mashing up learning services. We asked for contributions for an increasing research field. MASHL 2009 provided an excellent space for discussions in order to improve the learning and teaching routines of tomorrow. This special issue consists of the outcomes of this intensive process with international experts.

Enjoy the papers and we are looking forward to your feedback.