[presentation] “How satisfied are you with your MOOC?” – A Research Study on Interaction in Huge Online Courses

Our presentation about ““How satisfied are you with your MOOC?” – A Research Study on Interaction in Huge Online Courses” at this year ED-Media Conference is now online available:

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[presentation] Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?

Hanan Khalil is presenting today our both research work concerning the interaction in MOOCS at 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Development “Future Visions for Higher Education Development”. Find here the slides of her talk “Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?“:

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[CfP] Interaction in Massive Courses

Together with my colleagues from the University of Munich I like to call for submissions on the topic “Interaction in Massive Courses“. The contributions will appear as Special Issue of the journal J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) which is an open access journal and holds an Impact Factor.
Please consider to send us a scientific contribution on 9th June 2013 at latest, if the following sounds interesting and meet you research interests as well:

The Special Issue aims to gather research works in the field of massive courses with a special focus on enhancing interaction between lecturers-students or students-student in face-to-face situations or completely online by using different kind of technologies (MOOC). For example, some few information systems created some years ago, summarized by the term Audience Response Systems (ARS). Here students are able to make votes on lecturers’ questions by using mostly special hardware (Anderson et al, 2003). Other possibilities are the use of Web 2.0 technologies (Purgathofer & Reinhard,
2008) or Social Media (Ebner, 2011) to enhance students’ engagement in live-lecturing-situations. In the last years, the above-mentioned MOOCs attracted the interest of thousands of students. Obviously this leads to new challenges on how to overcome the management of a huge number of occurring interactions and makes new strategies necessary.
Assuming that rich interactions in large groups of learners are even more critical in the development of academia this Special Issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science is dedicated to research on media fostering interaction in massive courses.

Here you will find the detailed Call for Paper (CfP).

[video] Neue Interaktionsformen herausfinden

Der Interface Design und Usability Blog weist uns auf eine sehr interessante Möglichkeit hin, wie man neue (die Betonung liegt auf neue) Interaktionsformen herausfinden kann – Kreativität ist hier ja ohne Ende gefordert und man macht dies mittels dreier Herangehensweisen:

Gesucht wurde die Antwort auf die Frage: Wie kann ich Passanten auf ein Multitouch-Display aufmerksam machen und sie zur Benutzung anregen.

  1. Analogie
    Die Suche nach Vorbildlösungen, die gleiche oder ähnliche Probleme bereits gelöst haben. Diese werden dann auf das neue Problem angewendet.
  2. Provokation
    Die bestehende Situation wird analysiert und dann bewußt verfälscht. Es entstehen unkonventionelle Ideen.
  3. Zufall
    Zufällige Inputs generieren überraschende Ergebnisse zur Lösung des Problems.

Hier gibt es noch einen Weblog zu diesen Techniken.