[publication] Benchmarking the Effectiveness of Associating Chains of Links for Exploratory Semantic Search #research #LinkedData

Our conference paper about “Benchmarking the Effectiveness of Associating Chains of Links for Exploratory Semantic Search” at this year 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD 2015) is now online.

Linked Data offers an entity-based infrastructure to resolve indirect relations between resources, expressed as chains of links. If we could benchmark how effective retrieving chains of links from these sources is, we can motivate why they are a reliable addition for exploratory search interfaces. A vast number of applications could reap the benefits from encouraging insights in this field. Especially all kinds of knowledge discovery tasks related for instance to ad-hoc decision support and digital assistance systems. In this paper, we explain a benchmark model for evaluating the effectiveness of associating chains of links with keyword-based queries. We illustrate the benchmark model with an example case using academic library and conference metadata where we measured precision involving targeted expert users and directed it towards search effectiveness. This kind of typical semantic search engine evaluation focusing on information retrieval metrics such as precision is typically biased towards the final result only. However, in an exploratory search scenario, the dynamics of the intermediary links that could lead to potentially relevant discoveries are not to be neglected

[Full Paper @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Vocht,L., Softic,S., Verborgh, R., Mannens, E., Ebner,M. & Van de Walle, R. (2015) Benchmarking the Effectiveness of Associating Chains of Links for Exploratory Semantic Search. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD 2015). Bethlehem, USA. October 12, 2015

[publication] Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data

Our chapter about “Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data” as part of the book “Immersive Education” got published.

This work introduces a case study on usage of semantic context modelling and creation of Linked Data from logs in educational systems like a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) with purpose on improvements in generally with respect to social and semantic analysis of the parameters on user and activity centric level. Sample case study demonstrates the usage of semantic modelling of the activity context using adequate domain specific ontologies and semantic technologies and visualization of such data as result of analysis of such modelled data represented in the form of Linked Data. This approach implies the easy interfacing and extensibility on machine or human level offering fast insight on statistical trends.

[Link to draft version at ResearchGate]

Reference: Softic, S., Taraghi, B., Ebner, M. (2015) Mining and Viszualising Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data. In: Immersive Education. Ebner, M., Erenli, K., Malaka, R., Pirker, J., Walsh, A. (Eds.). Communications in Computer and Information Science 486. Springer. pp. 17-26

[publication] Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data

Our contribution about “Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data” at this year European Immersive Education Summit is now online available.

This work introduces a case study on usage of semantic context modelling and creation of Linked Data from logs in educational systems like a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) with purpose on improvements in generally with respect to social and semantic analysis of the parameters on user and activity centric level [3]. Sample case study demonstrates the usage of semantic modelling of the activity context using adequate domain specific ontologies and semantic technologies and visualization of such data as result of analysis of such modelled data represented in the form of Linked Data. This approach implies the easy interfacing and extensibility on machine or human level offering fast insight on statistical trends.

Reference: Softic, S., Taraghi, B., Ebner, M. (2014) Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data, European Immersive Education Summit, 2014, Vienna, pp. 164 – 169 [Link to article]

[presentation] Mining and Visualizing Usage of Educational Systems Using Linked Data

Our presentation about “Mining and Visualizing Usage of Educational Systems Using Linked Data” at this year 4th European Immersive Education Summit is now online available. Here are the slides:

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[publication] A Search Interface for Researchers to Explore Affinities in a Linked Data Knowledge Base

Our publication about “A Search Interface for Researchers to Explore Affinities in a Linked Data Knowledge Base” at this year International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013) described the research work of our PhD-students Laurens and Selver. The application is called ResXplorer and can be tested here.

Research information is widely available on the Web. Both as peer-reviewed research publications or as resources shared via (micro)blogging platforms or other Social Media. Usually the platforms supporting this information exchange have an API that allows access to the structured content. This opens a new way to search and explore research information. In this paper, we present an approach that visualizes interactively an aligned knowledge base of these resources. We show that visualizing resources, such as conferences, publications and proceedings,expose anities between researchers and those resources. We characterize each anity, between researchers and resources, by the amount of shared interests and other commonalities

Reference: De Vocht, L., Mannes, E., Van de Walle, R., Selver, S., Ebner, M. (2013) A Search Interface for Researchers to Explore Affinities in a Linked Data Knowledge Base. Proceedings of the ISWC 2013 Posters & Demonstrations Track a track within the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013). Blomqvist, E., Groza, T. (ed.) Vol-1035, pp. 21-24, ISSN 1613-0073
[Full Article]

[CfP] 1st Workshop on Social Linked Data for Science and Education – SOLISE 2013

We like to invite interested researcher to contribute to our ” 1st Workshop on Social Linked Data for Science and Education – SOLISE 2013” at this year 5th Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2013) in Aachen, Germany.
The scope of our call is:

This workshop aims at providing a discussion forum for approaches and challenges that are making use of web data resources and technologies, especially Social Networks, Semantic Web and Linked Data, for science, teaching, learning and education. The SOLISE 2012 workshop angles for papers about how Social Networks,Lnked Data and Semantic Web can contribute to analyse and adopt data generated by learning enviroments and education and science communities, to improve personalization, usability and analytics of such content for educational and research purposes in every day work. We are looking for preliminary results, position, and research papers. Researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and especially PhD students are welcome and encouraged to submit their contributions.

Please be aware about the Deadlines:

  • Paper Submission: February 20, 2013
  • Authors Notification: March 1, 2013
  • Final Paper Submission and Registration: March 6, 2013

More Information will be given at the homepage of the workshop – find it here: [Link]