My contribution about “Mobile Applications for Math Education – How Should They Be Done?” as part of the book Mobile Learning and Mathematics. Foundations, Design, and Case Studies got published.
Math education in elementary schools is a necessity. In this publication we introduce different math applications for iPhone and iPad developed by students at Graz University of Technology. Both, the technical as well as the pedagogical strategy of these apps are described. Furthermore, a close look at the HCI guidelines are taken and finally enhanced with some crucial facts that in principle an app is able to serve as a learning app for elementary school children. It can be summarized that the successful use of math apps in classroom is more than just a playing with the first app that comes along; it is about a careful design of a didactical approach based on an appropriate learning strategy.
Mobile Applications for Math Education – How Should They Be Done? by Martin
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Reference: Ebner, M. (2015) Mobile Learning and Mathematics. Foundations, Design, and Case Studies. Crompton, H., Traxler, J. (ed.). Routledge. New York and London. pp. 20-32
btw, Happy Easter to all 🙂