[CfP] Emerging Technologies in Education

I am very happy that I can invite to a Special Interest Group at this year ED-Media 2015 conference in Montreal, Canada. If you are interested to join us there, please consider the Call for Paper, which will be open till 29th April 2015:

The Emerging Technologies for Learning and Teaching Special Interest Group (SIG) would like to specifically invite innovators, technology-focused, and visionary people of all educational sectors to present and discuss their results with this SIG during EdMedia 2015. The SIG chair encourages researchers to submit contributions with a strong focus on technologyand specifically, proposals should focus onhow technology-enhanced learning can be supported by innovative technologies. For more information and instruction on submitting your proposals, please click the link below.

Please find here the [Call For Paper] and here detailed information about the [ED-Media 2015]. I would love to see you in Montreal to discuss new ideas for technologies in education.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me martin[dot]ebner[at]tugraz[dot]at.

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