[gol16, imoox] Gratis Online Lernen – Edition LISUM startet heute! #gol16 #imoox

Einsteigerinnen und Einsteiger beim Online-Lernen aufgepasst: Wie man gut selber lernt mit kostenlosen Webangeboten wird ab heute wieder im Kurs “Gratis Online Lernen” gezeigt. Sie können sich auch gerne noch später anmelden und die Materialien nutzen. Aber: Jetzt, mit vielen anderen, macht es erfahrungsgemäß am meisten Spaß.

Wie das mit der Anmeldung klappt, findet sich in diesem zweiseitigen PDF zweiseitigen PDF (siehe unten als Bild) oder auch im vollständigen Arbeitsheft zum Kurs, natürlich ebenso kostenlos!



[publication] MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs #imoox #mooc

Our chapter about “MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs” in the book “Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education” got published.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a phenomenon of these days. Therefore it seems just a consequent step to carry out research studies how MOOCs can be integrated best in our daily life. This work aims to describe first experiences from the implementation of two MOOCs on a new developed platform. Both courses are related to engineering education: one to physics and one to mechanics. First the concept as well as the development and then also the evaluation is pointed out. It can be concluded that there is potential for educational institutions, but also barriers which must be taken into account.

[Link to full chapter]

[Link to draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Scerbakov, A., Neuböck, K. (2016) MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs. In: Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education. Fonseca, D., Redondo, E. (Eds.). pp. 224-236. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8803-2

[imoox, GADI] Copyright, Urheberrecht und Open Science im GADI-MOOC #gadi16 #imoox

Peter PurgathoferMichael LanzingerAndreas NeuholdDer MOOC “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” auf iMooX geht in die dritte Woche. Diesesmal sind die Experten Peter Purgathofer, Andreas Neuhold und Michael Lanzinger die uns in ihren Fachbereichen Einblicke geben werden. Die Themen Copyright, Urheberrecht und Open Science beschäftigen uns insbesondere seit dem Aufkommen des Internets, aber wirklich bewegt hat sich seit dem auch noch nichts.
Also unbedingt vorbei schauen und mitdiskutieren – der Einstieg in den MOOC ist ebenso jederzeit möglich.
[Link zum Kurs]

[publication] How MOOCs can be used as an instrument of scientific research #emoocs2016 #mooc

Our paper on “How MOOCs can be used as an instrument of scientific research” at this year EMOOCs conference is now online available.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an increasingly important phenomenon in the world of technology-enhanced learning. This development opens many opportunities for interdisciplinary interaction, not only for the purpose of researching MOOCs themselves, but for integrating them into various research settings. In this publication, we address the question of how MOOCs can be used as instruments in scientific research. Our suggestions are illustrated on the example of the “Dr. Internet” project, which allowed us to gain practical experience in this area.

[Full paper @ ResearchGate]

[Conference Proceeding @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Zimmermann, C., Kopp, M., Ebner, M. (2016) How MOOCs can be used as an instrument of scientific research. In: Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs. Khalil, M., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lorenz, A., Kalz. M. (Eds.). BookOnDemand, Norderstedt. pp. 393 – 400

[publication] Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics #emoocs2016 #mooc

Our paper on “Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics” at this year EMOOCs conference is now online available.

Massive Open Online Courses are remote courses that excel in their students’ heterogeneity and quantity. Due to the peculiarity of being massiveness, the large datasets generated by MOOCs platforms require advance tools to reveal hidden patterns for enhancing learning and educational environments. This paper offers an interesting study on using one of these tools, clustering, to portray learners’ engagement in MOOCs. The research study analyse a university mandatory MOOC, and also opened to the public, in order to classify students into appropriate profiles based on their engagement. We compared the clustering results across MOOC variables and finally, we evaluated our results with an eighties students’ motivation scheme to examine the contrast between classical classes and MOOCs classes. Our research pointed out that MOOC participants are strongly following the Cryer’s scheme of Elton (1996).

[Full paper @ ResearchGate]

[Conference Proceeding @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Kastl, C., Ebner, M. (2016) Portraying MOOCs Learners: a Clustering Experience Using Learning Analytics. In: Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs. Khalil, M., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lorenz, A., Kalz. M. (Eds.). BookOnDemand, Norderstedt. pp. 265 – 278

[GOL, imoox] Die kostenlosen Arbeitshefte liegen bereit: Die Ausgabestellen für die Hefte zum Online-Kurs “Gratis Online Lernen” wurden veröffentlicht! #gol16 #imoox

Der kostenlose Online-Kurs für Einsteiger/innen “Gratis Online Lernen” war auch schon 2014 international. Dieses Jahr wird es aber getoppt: Die kostenlosen Arbeitshefte kann man sich auch in Italien (Südtirol!) und Bulgarien abholen – neben zahlreichen Ausgabestellen in Deutschland und Österreich.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-10 um 22.01.23


Wenn hier nichts dabei ist, das in der Nähe ist: Das Arbeitsheft gibt es natürlich auch als PDF bzw. gegen Freiumschlag!

[iMooX] Entrepreneurship for Engineers #imoox #tugraz

Es gibt wieder einen neuen MOOC an der TU Graz und damit auch auf iMooX mit dem klingenden Titel “Entrepreneurship for Engineers“. Dieser Online-Kurs wird in Kombination mit Präsenzeinheiten auch als Lehrveranstaltung mit ECTS für Studierende der TU Graz durchgeführt. Also schnell anmelden, denn die TeilnehmerInnenzahl ist begrenzt 🙂

[Anmeldung zum MOOC]

[Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung (TU Graz Studierende)]


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[GADI16, imoox] MOOC “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie startet” #gadi16 #tugraz #imoox

GADIMeine Lehrveranstaltung “Gesellschafliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” die heuer erstmal als Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) durchgeführt hat, startet heute auf der Plattform iMooX.


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Neben meiner Einführung kommen diese Woche zwei weitere Experten zu Wort – Günter Schreier und Andreas Holzinger – und widmen sich dabei dem Problemfeld eHealth und Big Data in der Medizin.


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Wer jetzt noch Lust verspürt mitzumachen – anmelden ist noch jederzeit möglich 🙂 .

[vodcast] When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs #MOOC #imoox #eduhubdays16

The recording of my keynote at this year eduhubdays about “When Learning Analytics Meets MOOCs” is now online available. The slides have been published right here.

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[publication] “How Satisfied Are You With Your MOOC?”- A Research Study About Interaction in Huge Online Courses #mooc

Our reworked publication about ““How Satisfied Are You With Your MOOC?”—A Research Study About Interaction in Huge Online Courses” got published in the journal of Journalism and Mass Communication and is free available :-).

This research work investigates the importance and satisfaction on the level of interaction in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) as perceived by learners and instructors. The study is based on data from online students and instructors of MOOCs. Two web-based surveys were used to collect data. The theoretical bases of the two surveys is the five-step model for interactivity developed by Salmon (2001). Salmon’s model proposed effective e-moderating in five discrete steps (Access and Motivation, Online Socialization, Information Exchange, Knowledge Construction and Development). Findings of the survey revealed that students rated the importance of interactions in MOOCs as highly important. However, they reported negatively the availability of many criteria suggested by Salmon. On the other hand, Instructors rated nearly half of Salmon criteria as less important, and consequently did not offer them in their MOOCs. In addition, the study revealed that students and instructors rated a high level of satisfaction in MOOCs. In contrast, some students expressed their less satisfaction of interaction in MOOCs. They revealed their dissatisfaction to that lack of instructor interaction. Instructors suggested that it is impossible for instructor to interact with this huge number of students in MOOCs. As a result, some strategies were suggested to enhance instructor interaction with students of MOOCs

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Full article @ Journal Homepage]

Reference: Khalil, H., Ebner, M. (2015) “How Satisfied Are You With Your MOOC?” —A Research Study About Interaction in Huge Online Courses, Journalism and Mass Communication 5 (12), pp. 629 – 639