[publication] A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development

Our publication on ”A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development” for this year ECTEL-Conference is now online. Slides have been already published here.

The great advantage of a Rich Internet Application (RIA) is the improved performance, since a great part of the processing can be done on the client-side rather than the server-side. For many web-based RIAs JavaScript (JS) is the most common programming language as it is popular as a script language for browsers. While server-side programming languages have the advantages of object oriented programming paradigm, JS bases on objects with a specific object literal notation. Using design architectures such as Model View Controller (MVC) in JS reduces the code complexity and allows semi-parallel application development. It causes an easier and much less time-consuming development on further extensions of RIAs. Web-based widgets are actually RIAs. In this paper a very simple design pattern for widget development is introduced that bases on MVC design architecture. The pattern has been applied during the development phase of widgets for the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and
is mostly appropriate for students and RIA developers who have beginner knowledge/experience in JS programming.

Reference: Taraghi, B.; Ebner, M. (2010) A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development. – in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE10), S. 1 – 8