[publication] Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication #NFC #research #tugraz

Our publication about „Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication“ is now published in the book Game-Based Learning: Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes.


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology mainly known from the payment and ticketing sector. Due to its availability on smartphones NFC provides a far untapped potential for a variety of different applications. As part of researches regarding NFC and its usability in educational areas, the operational capability of NFC has been tested in the field of game based learning. The result was an Android-based quiz application (“NFCQuiz”) working in multiplayer mode, meaning that several players can exchange their answers through the use of NFC during the game. The application provides educators the possibility to store his/her own questions and answers on a tag. During the game one player reads the tag and can send the contained information to multiple players over Android Beam. The exchange of the given answers and the calculation of the leader board are in turn done over a NFC connection.
Such an application is expected to bring different benefits. Both, question generation and data exchange are handled over NFC. As a result no internet access is needed for participating in the game. Since the used tags are re-writable there are basically no limits in term of reuse. Another benefit resulting from the usage of tags is that parents/teachers can control the used questions and answers. A NFC-based game is also supposed to give players an additional interactive effect by holding the phones for synchronization, which in turn keeps the participants interested.
This research work gives an overview of the “NFCQuiz” application regarding its functionality and implementation. Moreover we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the app with respect to similar games and the overall potential of NFC in the educational sector.

[Draft article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Lamija, D., Ebner, M. (2017) Game Based Learning Through Near Field Communication. Game-Based Learning Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes. Youngkyun B. (ed.). Nova publisher. pp. 295-322

[master] Potential of Near Field Communication for Education #tugraz #master

Lamija hat ihre Masterabeit zu „Potential of Near Field Communication for Education“ verfasst und dabei darüber nachgedacht, welche Veränderungen und Potentiale NFC am Bildungssektor hat. Die Folien ihrer erfolgreichen Verteidigung sind hier verfügbar:

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[publication] Near Field Communication – Which Potentials Does NFC Bring for Teaching and Learning Materials?

Our publication about „Near Field Communication – Which Potentials Does NFC Bring for Teaching and Learning Materials?“ is part of the new issue of the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).

Near Field Communication (NFC) is deemed to be a future technology with a lot of potential in many areas. One of those areas, learning and teaching, will be covered in this article, showing possible usages of NFC with teaching and learning materials. With a lot of new NFC capable devices presented recently, this technology can be utilized in many areas, including the arbitrarily growing field of mobile learning.
Mobile devices, especially smartphones, can help to close the gap between printed media and online media. Several methods, e.g. two-dimensional barcodes, have already been used to connect the digital world with printed media but almost all of them caused inconveniences or difficulties. NFC presents an easy to use way to share and communicate directly between capable devices or tags that can be applied almost anywhere.
In this publication a first insight to the potential of NFC for teaching and learning content is given. A prototype is programmed to allow data transformation between the print media and the smartphone. It can be summarized that NFC will be the logical successor of QR-Codes.

Reference: Maierhuber, M., Ebner, M. (2013) Near Field Communication – Which Potentials Does NFC Bring for Teaching and Learning Materials?. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol. 7, Nr. 4, p. 9-14

[Link to full article]

[masterthesis] Near Field Communication (NFC) – Potentiale für Lehr- und Lernunterlagen

Martin Maierhuber hat im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit das Thema Near Field Communication aufgegriffen. Der Prototyp steht hier im Google Play Store zur Verfügung und nun noch seine Folien bei der Defense:

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[L3T] L3T goes NFC

App for NFC
App for NFC
Im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit haben wir über die Möglichkeiten und Potentiale von Near Field Communication, kurz NFC, nachgedacht. Dazu wurde auch ein kleiner Prototyp, eine Android App, erstellt. Mit diesem kann man sämtliche Kapitel von L3T auf einen NFC-Tag schreiben, welcher dann mittels NFC-Reader auslesbar ist.

Hier kann man sich die App runterladen im Playstore [Link].

[presentation] NFC als Brücke zwischen dem Print- und dem Online-Medium

NFC, Near Field Communication? Ja ich dachte mir ich sollte diese Technologie doch einmal ins Zentrum eines Vortrages rücken und werde daher bei den 11. Koblenzer-eLearning-Tagen einen Vortrag zu „NFC als Brücke zwischen dem Print- und dem Online-Medium“ halten.
Hier einmal die Folien:

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