Merry Christmas and happy new year #goodbye

As every year, I would like to thank you for reading and following the use of technology for teaching and learning. This year was also exciting and full of projects, experiences, and small steps to optimize (high) school teaching.

But now it’s time to go back on holiday and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will then resume on 7 January 2025 – a quiet and relaxing time 🙂

(generated with OpenAi, using the prompt „draw a picture of the digital future in the university, taking into account that many technologies are used, but that both students and teachers are present. The lecture theatre should be designed flexibly and enable the use of different technologies, but there are also conventional teaching media such as blackboards or projectors“)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

An dieser Stelle möchte ich all meinen Leserinnen und Lesern ein gesegnetes Weichnachtsfest und ein gutes und gesundes Jahr 2014 wünschen. Ich selbst tauche einmal unter an einen Ort wo ich Ruhe inmitten meiner Familie finden kann und melde mich wieder ab 7.1.2014 mit Gedanken, Wünschen und Kommentaren zu meinem Lieblingsthema.

Insbesondere freue ich mich 2014 auf:


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