[publication] Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education

Our publication on “Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education” is now published in the book Active and Collaborative Learning: Practices, Problems and Prospects.

In times in which medical education seems to be more complex than ever, facing horrendous student numbers and an increasing accessibility of information, the question of how to ensure the most efficient learning experience remains a vivid point of discussion. Active Learning and its subconcept of Problem Based Learning represent a promising candidate for future improvements in the area of medical education. The utilization of the concept of Problem Based Learning, paired with the latest inventions in web and mobile technologies, finally provides the necessary media to build a possible solution, satisfying the needs of new age education. In this work we report the successful development of a novel reporting system, which focusses on the reliable and fast processing of patient case files during a student’s supervised period of compulsory hospital field work. This novel system enables an improved and fast way of supervisor/student interaction and communication.

Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education by Martin

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Reference: Kitz, G., Ebner, M. (2013) Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education. Mohamed H. (Ed.). In: Active and Collaborative Learning: Practices, Problems and Prospects. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 231 – 242

[publication] Predicting Developments in Technology-enhanced Learning through Betting – The Concept for a Facebook App

Our publication about “Predicting Developments in Technology-enhanced Learning through Betting – The Concept for a Facebook App” is now published in the book E-Learning: New Technology, Applications and Future Trends [Link].

Our research article deals with a new form of future study methodology in the field of technology-enhanced learning (TEL): the approach of prediction markets, especially pari-mutuel betting. Therefore we start with a short introduction in future research and go on with a description on the process of prediction markets. Our focus is on a concept for a Facebook app supporting the idea of bets on future developments. The application itself is a betting application wherein a user is able to bet on a certain question, related to TEL problems and trends, with a variable amount of virtual money. The goal of the tool is to use the outcome of the bets for evaluating future trends


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Reference: Albustin, A., Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2013) Predicting Developments in Technology-enhanced Learning through Betting – The Concept for a Facebook App, In: E-Learning: New Technology, Applications and Future Trends. Hamada, M. (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers. NY. P. 207 – 220, ISBN: 978-1-62618-961-4