[paper accepted] First Experiences with OLPC in European Classrooms

I am happy that I can announce that our paper proposal about „First Experiences with OLPC in European Classrooms“ was accepted for this year E-Learn Conference.

We are pleased to inform you that the Program Committee of E-Learn 2009, after rigorous peer review, has decided to ACCEPT your submission for presentation.

Hopefully we will have great discussions and lots of feedback about this exciting project.

[paper accepted] Will Personal Learning Environments become ubiquitous through the use of Widgets?

Wir haben soeben die Benachrichtigung erhalten, dass unsere Einreichung für die heurige iKnow 09Konferenz in Graz als short paper akzeptiert wurde:

We are pleased to inform you that your paper
Title: Will Personal Learning Environments become ubiquitous through the use of Widgets?
has been accepted for publication as short paper (max. 6 pages) in the conference proceedings on condition of integrating the recommendations of the reviewers.

Jetzt freuen wir uns natürlich auf viele TeilnehmerInnen und tolle Diskussionen 🙂