[publication] Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results #imoox #emoocs

Our contribution on “Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results” was published at EMOOCs 2023 conference.

In 2020, the project “iMooX-The MOOC Platform as a Service for all Austrian Universities” was launched. It is co-financed by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research. After half of the funding period, the project management wants to assess and share results and outcomes but also address (potential) additional “impacts” of the MOOC platform. Building upon work on OER impact assessment, this contribution describes in detail how the specific iMooX.at approach of impact measurement was developed. Literature review, stakeholder analysis, and problem-based interviews were the base for developing a questionnaire addressing the defined key stakeholder “MOOC creators”. The article also presents the survey results in English for the first time but focuses more on the development, strengths, and weaknesses of the selected methods. The article is seen as a contribution to the further development of impact assessment for MOOC platforms.

[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Hohla-Sejkora, K., Mair, B., Schön. S., Lipp, S., Steinkellner, I., Stojcevic, I. & Zwiauer, C. (2023) Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results. EMOOCs 2023, 171-186 [.pdf]

[press] iMooX.at: Neue Plattform für kostenlose digitale Uni-Kurse #presse #imoox #mooc

Es freut uns sehr, dass der Relaunch von iMooX.at doch großes Medienecho hervorgerufen hat, weil nur so wir die Möglichkeit haben offene und freie Bildung möglichst vielen zugänglich zu machen.

Hier ein paar ausgewählte Reaktionen aus dem Netz:
iMooX.at – Next Level
Neue Plattform for digitale Uni-Kurse
Neue Plattform für kostenlose digitale Uni-Kurse

[trailer] iMooX – die österreichische MOOC-Plattform #imoox #moox #video #tugraz

Im Zuge des neuen Relaunch von iMooX.at haben wir auch einen neuen Trailer erstellt, der kurz darstellen soll, was die Ziele der MOOC-Plattform sein. Aber man kann es eigentlich auch mit einem Satz ausdrücken: “Bildung für Alle – kostenlos, überall und jederzeit” 🙂


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iMooX – die österreichische MOOC-Plattform

[presentation] Design and Evaluation of an User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform

Our second presentation at this year uDay XIII was about our LIVE-System and titled “Design and Evaluation of an User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform“. Find here the slides:

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