[publication] Die Monster-MOOC-Weiterbildung – Erfahrungen mit der Übertragung eines interaktiven Präsenzworkshops in den digitalen Raum #covid19 #research #workshop

Einen interaktiven Workshop gestalten: geschenkt. Doch wie bringt man ihn in den virtuellen Raum? Ich habe die Herausforderung in der COVID-19-Krise angepackt und ein Workshopdesign, mit dem wir im Präsenzformat bei der Universität Passau (Lehre+ Hochschuldidaktik) gute Erfahrungen gemacht haben möglichst 1:1 in den virtuellen Raum übertragen und dort mit Lehrenden der FH Salzburg durchgeführt.

Im Beitrag wird das Konzept eines Präsenzworkshops zur Einführung von MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) für Lehrende an Hochschulen vorgestellt, wie es im Jahr 2013 mit hohen Anteilen von Interaktion und Gruppenarbeit entwickelt wurde. In der Folge der COVID-19-Krise und Umstellung auf Home Office und Online-Begegnungen wurde versucht, das methodisch-didaktische Konzept möglichst gleichartig in den digitalen Raum zu übertragen. Im Artikel wird beschrieben, welche Tools dabei zum Einsatz kamen und wie sie sich auf die Arbeitsweisen und -ergebnisse ausgewirkt haben.

Man kann jetzt nicht nur nachlesen wie wir Workshops für MOOC-Einsteiger/innen gestalten in Präsenz und Online gestalten, sondern auch, auf was man beim Übertragen ins Online-Format achten sollte.

[publication] Concepts for E-Assessments in STEM on the Example of Engineering Mechanics #eAssessment #STEMeducation #TEL

Our publication about „Concepts for E-Assessments in STEM on the Example of Engineering Mechanics“ got published in the International Journal for Emerging Technologies in Learning (i-JET).

We discuss if and how it is possible to develop meaningful e-assessments in Engineering Mechanics. The focus is on complex example problems, resembling traditional paper-pencil exams. Moreover, the switch to e-assessments should be as transparent as possible for the students, i.e., it shouldn’t lead to additional difficulties, while still maintaining sufficiently high discrimination indices for all questions. Example problems have been designed in such a way, that it is possible to account for a great variety of inputs ranging from graphical to numerical and algebraic as well as string input types. Thanks to the implementation of random variables it is even possible to create an individual set of initial values for every participant. Additionally, when dealing with complex example problems errors carried forward have to be taken into account. Different approaches to do so are detailed and discussed, e.g., pre-defined paths for sub-questions, usage of students’ previous inputs or decision trees. The main finding is that complex example problems in Engineering Mechanics can very well be used in e-assessments if the design of these questions is well structured into meaningful sub-questions and errors carried forward are accounted for.

[article @ ResearchGate]
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Reference: Orthaber, M., Stütz, D., Antretter, T., Ebner, M. (2020) Concepts for E-Assessments in STEM on the Example of Engineering Mechanics. International Journal for Emerging Technologies in Learnig. 15(12). pp. 136-152

[publication] Future Teacher Training of Several Universities with MOOCs as OER – Teaching in #COVID19 Pandemic. Stories from the field #imoox #mooc

#COVID19 was and is a big challenge for many people, for teachers as universities as well. And of course we love to share experiences we made or have seen at the TU Graz as well to enrich the contributions on teaching and learning with technologies in HEI.

This time we contributed to a book which collects 133 (!) experiences from colleagues worldwide, all available under CC BY NC ND. Please have look and check:


Our contribution describes:

To train future Austrian teachers in using digital media, a novel didactic design was implemented at several universities in Austria in summer semester 2019: The course includes the participation in a MOOC (massive open online course) on the topic, an accompanying group work at the universities and multiple-choice tests conducted at the universities. In the summer semester of 2020, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the group work and exams had to be switched to virtual space as well. Because the course materials are available under an open license, i.e. as open educational resources, further use is possible and offered.

Ebner, Martin & Schön, Sandra (2020). Remote Future Teacher Training with MOOCs. In: R.E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, E., R. Hartshorne, E. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza, C. (Ed). Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Pp. 493-497. Book is available under CC BY NC ND: https://www.learntechlib.org/p/216903/;. Preprint at ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342261714_Remote_Future_Teacher_Training_with_MOOCs

[publication] Simulation data visualization using mixed reality with Microsoft HoloLensTM #AR #VR #tugraz

My PhD-Students wrote a chapter about the usage of Microsoft Hololens „Simulation data visualization using mixed reality with Microsoft HoloLensTM„. Now it got published within the book „New Perspectives on Virtual and Augmented Reality„.

Simulations and test beds are very difficult topics, especially for non-experienced students or new employees in the mechanical engineering domain. In this chapter, a HoloLens app and a CAD/Simulation workflow are introduced to visualize CAD models and sensor and simulation data of a test run on an air conditioning system test bed. The main challenge is to visualize temperature and pressure changes within opaque parts, such as tubes, compressors, condensers or electrical expansion valves. The HoloLens app supports various simulations and CAD visualizations. We exemplary implemented colouring the temperature or pressure changes of the test bed parts as Mixed-Reality (MR) overlays. The main purpose of the HoloLens app is to reduce the learning effort and time to understand such simulations and test bed settings. Additionally, the app could be used as a communication tool between different departments to transfer experiences and domain specific knowledge.

[chapter @ book homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M., Rosenberger, M., Ebner, M. (2020) Simulation data visualization using mixed reality with Microsof HoloLensTM, In: New Perspectives on Virtual and Augmented Reality, Daniela, L. (ed.), pp. 147-162, London: Routledge, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003001874

[publication] Mixed Reality Books: Applying Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mining Engineering Education #AR #VR #research

Our chapter about „Mixed Reality Books: Applying Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mining Engineering Education“ got published in the book „Augmented Reality in Education“.

This chapter deals with the integration of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) elements into academic mining education. The focus lies on the didactical approach within the EU-funded MiReBooks (Mixed Reality Books) project. The project aims to develop a series of AR- and VR-based interactive mining manuals as a new digital standard for higher education across European engineering education. By combining AR and VR technologies, it is possible to address current challenges in mining education in an innovative way. These virtual applications should make otherwise impossible and dangerous situations accessible to students. Classical paper-based teaching materials are enriched with AR content and translated into pedagogically and didactically coherent manuals for integrative use in the classroom. The authors explore how AR and VR instruments can be effectively integrated into teaching. The results of a broad evaluation of AR/VR-based lectures are presented and discussed in this chapter. The experiences and findings are summarized in a decision matrix for the use of AR/VR-based technologies in teaching.

Abstract Chapter

[Chapter @ journal’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Daling, L., Kommetter, C., Abdelrazeq, A., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2020) Mixed Reality Books: Applying Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mining Engineering Education. In: Augmented Reality in Education. Geroimenko, V. (Ed.). pp. 185-195. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42156-4

[publication] COVID-19 Epidemic as E-Learning Boost? Chronological Development and Effects at an Austrian University against the Background of the Concept of “E-Learning Readiness” #covid19 #tugraz

Our first research article concerning the situation of COVID-19 titled „COVID-19 Epidemic as E-Learning Boost? Chronological Development and Effects at an Austrian University against the Background of the Concept of “E-Learning Readiness” is published right now.

The COVID-19 crisis influenced universities worldwide in early 2020. In Austria, all universities were closed in March 2020 as a preventive measure, and meetings with over 100 people were banned and a curfew was imposed. This development also had a massive impact on teaching, which in Austria takes place largely face-to-face. In this paper we would like to describe the situation of an Austrian university regarding e-learning before and during the first three weeks of the changeover of the teaching system, using the example of Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). The authors provide insights into the internal procedures, processes and decisions of their university and present figures on the changed usage behaviour of their students and teachers. As a theoretical reference, the article uses the e-learning readiness assessment according to Alshaher (2013), which provides a framework for describing the status of the situation regarding e-learning before the crisis. The paper concludes with a description of enablers, barriers and bottlenecks from the perspective of the members of the Educational Technology department.

Website Future Internet

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ journal’s homepage]

Reference: Ebner, M.; Schön, S.; Braun, C.; Ebner, M.; Grigoriadis, Y.; Haas, M.; Leitner, P.; Taraghi, B. COVID-19 Epidemic as E-Learning Boost? Chronological Development and Effects at an Austrian University against the Background of the Concept of “E-Learning Readiness”. Future Internet 2020, 12, 94.

[article] A Voice-Enabled Game Based Learning Application using Amazon’s Echo with Alexa Voice Service: A Game Regarding Geographic Facts About Austria and Europe #research #TEL #Alexa

Our first resarch using Amazon’s Alexa for Learning are now published, named „A Voice-Enabled Game Based Learning Application using Amazon’s Echo with Alexa Voice Service: A Game Regarding Geographic Facts About Austria and Europe“ in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) .

An educational, interactive Amazon Alexa Skill called “Österreich und Europa Spiel / Austria and Europe Game” was developed at Graz University of Technology for a German as well as English speaking audience. This Skills intent is to assist learning geographic facts about Austria as well as Europe by interaction via voice controls with the device. The main research question was if an educational, interactive speech assistant application could be made in a way such that both under-age and full age subjects would be able to use it, enjoy the Game Based Learning experience overall and be assisted learning about the Geography of Austria and Europe. The Amazon Alexa Skill was tested for the first time in a class with 16 students at lower secondary school level. Two further tests were done with a total of five adult participants. After the tests the participants opinion was determined via a questionnaire. The evaluation of the tests suggests that the game indeed gives an additional motivational factor in learning Geography.

Journal’s Homepage

[Link to full article @ ResearchGate]
[Link to full article @ Journal’s Homepage]

Reference: Bilic, L., Ebner, Markus, Ebner, Martin (2020) A Voice-Enabled Game Based Learning Application using Amazon’s Echo with Alexa Voice Service: A Game Regarding Geographic Facts About Austria and Europe, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 14 (3), pp. 226 – 23

[publication] Was macht ein gutes Erklärvideo aus? #video #tel #research

Für das Buch „Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos“ durften wir einen Kurzbeitrag zu „Was macht ein gutes Erklärvideo aus?“ schreiben.

Basierend auf der Analyse und der Gestaltungspraxis von Erklärvideos in der Hochschulbildung stellen Dr. Schön und Dr. Ebner die wichtigsten medialen und didaktischen Gestaltungskriterien für großartige Erklärvideos vor.Basierend auf der Analyse und der Gestaltungspraxis von Erklärvideos in der Hochschulbildung stellen Dr. Schön und Dr. Ebner die wichtigsten medialen und didaktischen Gestaltungskriterien für großartige Erklärvideos vor.

Teaser des Beitrags

[Entwurf bei ResearchGate]

Zitation: Schön, S. & Ebner, M. (2020) Was macht ein gutes Erklärvideo aus? In: Lehren und Lernen mit Tutorials und Erklärvideos. Dorgerloh, S. & Wolf, K. (Hrsg.). Beltz. ISBN 978-3-407-63126-8. S. 75-80

[publication] Digital gestütztes Lehren mittels innovativem MOOC-Konzept #mooc #imoox

Wir haben unsere Erfahrungen mit dem Inverse-Blended-Learning-Konzept im Rahmen der Lehrer/innenbildung festgehalten. Der MOOC „Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien“ dient dabei zur Steigerung der digitalen Kompetenzen für alle Lehramtsstudierenden. Der Beitrag ist nun erschienen im journal für lehrerinnenbildung.

Die Integration digitaler Medien in den Unterricht ist eine Herausforderung unserer Zeit. Daher scheint es naheliegend, dass Lehrpersonen entsprechende Bildungsmaßnahmen erfahren und insbesondere, dass dies auch in die Curricula für Lehramtsstudierende Einzug findet. Der Entwicklungsverbund Süd-Ost in Österreich hat sich dieser Herausforderung gestellt, ein Konzept zur Integration digitaler Medien entwickelt und mit Sommersemester 2019 erstmalig erfolgreich umgesetzt. Dabei wurde nach dem didaktischen Konzept Inverse-Blended-Learning ein Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Kombination mit Übungen an den beteiligten Standorten entwickelt. Die statistischen Eckdaten und das Feedback der Studierenden zeigen, dass das Konzept als sehr positiv und zeitgemäß wahrgenommen wird und es daher auch weiterverfolgt werden sollte.


[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ researchgate]

Zitation: Ebner, M., Adams, S., Bollin, A., Kopp, M., Teufel, M. (2020) Digital gestütztes Lehren mittels innovativem MOOC-Konzept. journal für lehrerinnenbildung. 20(1). S. 68-77

[publication] Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education #TEL #research

We did a small contribuation titled „Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education“ for this year 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik.

Sustainably digitalizing higher education requires a human-centred approach. To address actual problems in teaching as well as learning and increase acceptance, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solution(s) must be co-designed with affected researchers, teachers, students and administrative staff. We present research-in-progress about a sandpit-informed innovation process with a f2f-marketplace of TEL research and problemmapping as well team formation alongside a competitive call phase, which is followed by a cooperative phase of funded interdisciplinary pilot teams codesigning and implementing TEL innovations. Pilot teams are supported by a University Innovation Canvas to document and reflect on their TEL innovation from multiple viewpoints.

Abstract of conference homepage

[Link to full paper @ ResearchGate]
[Link to full paper @ conference homepage]

Reference: Dennerlein, S., Pammer-Schindler, V., Ebner, Markus, Getzinger, G., Ebner, Martin (2020) Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education. In: Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung – Band 2: Proceedings der Community Tracks zur WI 2020. 7. S.