[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 18 / No.9 #ijet #research

Issue 18(09) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Influence of APP-Assisted Teaching on Teaching Quality in Mobile Learning
  • Quality Evaluation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Based on Modelling of Students’ Behavior Sequences
  • Success Factors to Promote Digital Learning Platforms: An Empirical Study From an Instructor’s Perspective
  • What Motivate Students to Continue Using Online Collaborative Tools: Post-Acceptance of Information System Approach
  • The School of the Future
  • Differentiated Instruction Efficiency of the Design Courses for Engineering Majors in a Smart Education Environment
  • Classroom Teaching Decision-Making Optimization for Students’ Personalized Learning Needs
  • Influence of a Distributed Learning Environment on Learners’ Performance
  • A Hybrid Approach to Measure Students’ Satisfaction on YouTube Educational Videos
  • Prediction Model of Students‘ Learning Motivation Based on Combinatorial Optimization Algorithm
  • Self-Efficacy and Digital Anxiety and their Influence on Virtual Educational Performance
  • Context and Learning Style Aware Recommender System for Improving the E-Learning Environment
  • The Effect of Cognitive Modeling in Mathematics Achievement and Creative Intelligence for High School Students
  • The Third Wave of Self-Regulated Learning’s Measurement and Intervention Tools: Designing ‘Diaria’ as a New Generation of Learning Diary
  • Online Sharing Mechanism of Digital Teaching Resources Considering Knowledge Potential Difference
  • Using Sentiment Analysis to Explore Student Feedback: A Lexical Approach
  • “Kaleidoscope Eyes”: The Exploration of a Sense of Place Through Art Strolling in Mozilla Hubs

[Link to Issue 18/09]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[publication] Visualization of Learning for Students: A Dashboard for Study Progress – Development, Design Details, Implementation, and User Feedback #LearningAnalytics #tugraz

We described our dashboard-activities for our students at Graz University of Technology in this chapter about „Visualization of Learning for Students: A Dashboard for Study Progress – Development, Design Details, Implementation, and User Feedback„:

At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz, Austria), the learning management system based on Moodle (https://moodle.org/ – last accessed February 10, 2021) is called TeachCenter. Together with a campus management system – called TUGRAZonline – it is the main infrastructure for digital teaching and general study issues. As central instances for both teachers and students, various services and support for them are offered. The latest developments include the design and implementation of a study progress dashboard for students. This dashboard is intended to provide students a helpful overview of their activities: It shows their academic performance in ECTS compared to the average of their peers, their own study progress, and the official study recommendation as well as the progress in the various compulsory and optional courses. The first dashboard prototype was introduced to all computer science students in May 2020, and a university-wide rollout started in December 2020. The chapter describes design considerations and design development work, implementation, as well as the user feedback on the implementation. Finally, the authors present recommendations as guidelines for similar projects based on their experience and students’ feedback and give an outlook for future development and research.

[article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Leitner P., Ebner M., Geisswinkler H., Schön S. (2021) Visualization of Learning for Students: A Dashboard for Study Progress – Development, Design Details, Implementation, and User Feedback. In: Sahin M., Ifenthaler D. (eds) Visualizations and Dashboards for Learning Analytics. Advances in Analytics for Learning and Teaching. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81222-5_19

[publication] Digitale Transformation der Hochschullehre – wann kommt die digitale Innovation an? #transformation #duz #tugraz

In der Ausgabe 9/2022 der Deutschen Universtitätszeitung (DUZ) haben wir einen Beitrag zur digitalen Transformation in der Hochschullehre geschrieben – kurz und bündig, steht dieser nun auch als PrePrint zum Nachlesen bereit.

Um einordnen zu können, wie weit sich digitale Innovationen in der Hochschullehre bereits konkret etabliert haben, schlagen die Autorinnen und Autoren vom Team Lehr- und Lerntechnologien der Technischen Universität Graz ein achtstufiges Beurteilungsmodell vor.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Dennerlein, S., Edelsbrunner, S. (2022) Digitale Transformation der Hochschullehre – wann kommt die digitale Innovation an?. In: DUZ (Magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft). Jg. 78, Ausgabe 9/2022. S. 45-46

[publication] Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen von KI-Anwendungen zur Unterstützung des Lernens und Lehrens. #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Artificialintelligence #Learninganalytics #research #tugraz

Es freut uns sehr, dass unser Beitrag zu „Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen von KI-Anwendungen zur Unterstützung des Lernens und Lehrens.“ nun erschienen ist. Das Ziel war den Unterschied herauszuarbeiten und einen ersten Einblick zu geben in das Themenfeld. Wir hatten seinerzeit auch ein Video, quasi als Teaser für das Kapitel erstellt:


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[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ Verlag Homepage]

Zitation: Schön, Sandra; Leitner, Philipp; Lindner, Jakob & Ebner, Martin (2023). Learning Analytics in Hochschulen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Eine Übersicht über Einsatzmöglichkeiten, erste Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen von KI-Anwendungen zur Unterstützung des Lernens und Lehrens. In: Tobias Schmohl, Alice Watanabe, Kathrin Schelling (Hg.), Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung, Bielefeld: transkript, S. 27-49. Online zugänglich unter: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/media/pdf/c9/16/59/oa9783839457696.pdf

[publication] Development of an Austrian OER Certification for Higher Education Institutions and Their Employees #OER #OpenEducation #research

Our chapter about „Development of an Austrian OER Certification for Higher Education Institutions and Their Employees“ got published right now – enjoy the interesting read 🙂

The “Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria” (fnma) is responsible for the development and introduction of a procedure to attest open educational resources (OER) competences and OER activities in higher education. The aim is to develop and implement a convincing and recognized procedure that succeeds in sustainably promoting and making visible OER activities and OER competences at Austria’s higher education institutions. Within this paper, the development of the Austrian OER certification approach, in other words its framework, will be addressed. A working plan and first results will be presented; among others, the competence framework and its compatibility with existing frameworks.

[full chapter @ ResearchGate]
[full chapter @ Book’s homepage]

Reference: Schön, S., Ebner, M., Berger, E., Brandhofer, G., Edelsbrunner, S., Gröblinger, O., Hackl, C., Jadin, T., Kopp, M., Neuböck, K., Proinger, J., Schmölz, A. & Steinbacher, H.-P. (2023). Development of an Austrian OER Certification for Higher Education Institutions and Their Employees. In: Otto, D., Scharnberg, G., Kerres, M., Zawacki-Richter, O. (eds) Distributed Learning Ecosystems . Springer VS, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-38703-7_9

[publication] Development of an Amazon Alexa App for a University Online Search #alexa #research #tugraz

Our chapter about „Development of an Amazon Alexa App for a University Online Search“ for the HCII 2022 conference got published.

Today, our homes become smarter and smarter. We started to interact with our home with Intelligent Personal Assistants, like Amazon Alexa. In this paper we want to present and give a review on the Alexa skill developed for an online search for resources like rooms, courses, and persons. The goal is to provide the users an easy-to-use way to ask for information like phone numbers, e-mail addresses, room details, … and the Alexa Skill should provide this information also in an easy understandable way. We will describe how we solved to formulate suitable search queries from spoken Alexa commands and how we presented them to the user accordingly. Other obstacles like the presentation of the search results, due to the limited context and prioritization for individual search results, to the user will be discussed.

[full article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Rupitz, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2022). Development of an Amazon Alexa App for a University Online Search. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing the Learner and Teacher Experience. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13328. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05657-4_10

[publication] Supporting Learning and Teaching with Good Design: Report and Lessons Learned from Learning Experience Design in Higher Education #LXD #tugraz #research

Our chaper about „Supporting Learning and Teaching with Good Design: Report and Lessons Learned from Learning Experience Design in Higher Education“ got published (online first) and is free available 🙂

Learning experience design (LXD), that is, the conscious design of learning experiences based on the principles and methods of the design discipline, is a term that is increasingly being used in the design of (digital) learning environments. The aim is to make learning a positive, exciting experience for the learner. This article will introduce the understanding of “learning experience design” and describe its application at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). As creativity is a base for the design discipline, the organizational unit “educational technology” sees LXD as a chance to develop innovative, quality online teaching and learning materials. The article will show the application and results of LXD of several different projects and resources developed for teachers and students by the educational technology team at TU Graz: the student study progress dashboard, the TELucation website relaunch, and the development of a modifiable digital template for lecturer training.

[chapter @ book’s homepage]
[chapter @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., & Schön, S. (2022). Supporting Learning and Teaching with Good Design: Report and Lessons Learned from Learning Experience Design in Higher Education. In K. Kang, & M. F. Namisango (Eds.), E-service Digital Innovation [Working Title]. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.107489

[publication] The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study #edil22 #tugraz

Our research, we presented at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022, about „The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study“ is now online available:

Initially, in March 2020, when COVID-19 forced conventional face-to-face to pure online teaching, didactic matters were only of secondary importance. At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz, Austria) both the support team for Educational Technology as well as the instructors were mostly concerned with solving technical challenges. Nevertheless, a special tool, the ReDesign Canvas, was available to support lecturers in their endeavor to also address the didactic aspects of their teaching systematically. The article presents the work of the Educational Technology team of TU Graz within the March 2020 COVID-19 crisis as well as the application of the canvas in a redesign of an exemplary lecture.

[full article @ conference homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schön, S., Braun, C., Hohla, K., Mütze, A. & Ebner, M. (2022). The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1048-1055). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221410/.

[publication] Die Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung – Rückblick und Analyse #zfhe #openaccess

Unser Artikel zur Geschichte der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) ist erschienen und wir haben versucht darzustellen, wie auch Open-Access selbst erfolgreich sein kann:

Die Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung hat einen langen und interessanten Werdegang. In diesem Artikel wollen wir diesen beschreiben und einer Analyse unterwerfen, um die Entwicklung über die Zeit darzustellen. Es wird gezeigt, wie sich Themen und Schwerpunkte verlagern und mit der Hochschul-Praxis einhergehen. Um die Vergleichbarkeit und den Impact der Zeitschrift vorzustellen, werden Überlegungen angestellt, die untermauern, wie wichtig die Rolle der Zeitschrift für die Hochschulen im deutschsprachigen Raum ist, aber auch darüber hinaus. 40 Jahre, davon beinahe 20 Jahre als Open Access, ist ein beachtlicher Zeitraum für ein solches Medium. Dies ist uns daher Anlass, die Entwicklung der Zeitschrift zu reflektieren.

[Artikel @ ZFHE]
[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M., Krempkow, R., Zawacki-Richter, O. (2022) Die Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung – Rückblick und Analyse. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZHFE) Jg. 17/3 pp 201-223

[publication] Weitere österreichische Hochschulen veröffentlichen eine Policy zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Zum Austausch der AG OER #fnma #OER

Im FNMA-Magazin 1/2022 haben wir die Ergebnisse des Webinars im Dezember 2021 nochmals zusammengefasst unter dem Titel „Weitere österreichische Hochschulen veröffentlichen eine Policy zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Zum Austausch der AG OER„:

Bei der fnma-Arbeitsgruppe zu offenen Bildungsressourcen dreht sich alles um die bisherige Entwicklung und Förderung von OER. Anfang Dezember 2021 ging es um Erfahrungen mit der Erstellung von strategischen Bekenntnissen und Maßnahmen österreichischer Hochschulen.

[Artikel @ ResearchGate]
[FNMA-Magazin 1/2022]

Zitation: Ebner, Martin und Schön, Sandra (2022). Weitere österreichische Hochschulen veröffentlichen eine Policy zu offenen Bildungsressourcen – Zum Austausch der AG OER. In: fnma Magazin, 1/2022, S. 7-9.