[presentation] Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting #edil22 #tugraz #research #mooc #imoox

We are happy to present our research about “Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting” at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022 conference.

Find here our slides as well as the recording of the talk:


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[publication] How to foster forum discussions within MOOCs: A case study #imoox #mooc

Our research work titled “How to foster forum discussions within MOOCs: A case study” got published as part of the International Journal of Academic Research in Education. We introduce some of our experiences concerning discussion forums in MOOCs.

Discussion forums are an essential part to foster interaction among teachers and students, as well as students and students, in virtual learning settings. If interaction can be enhanced, this has a positive influence on motivation and finally also on dropout rates. These days, a special form of online courses, so-called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), are popping up massively. Those courses are characterized by a high number of students. In this paper, we would like to examine discussion forums and their role concerning interaction. Therefore, Gilly Salmon’s well-known Five stage model is taken and adapted to MOOCs based on a case study. As a method, we tracked learners’ data through learning analytics applications and concluded that there is a positive correlation between reading from one side and writing in forums from the other side.

[Link to Full Paper @ IJARE]

[Link to Full Paper @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Lackner, E., Khalil, M. & Ebner, M. (2016). How to foster forum discussions within MOOCs: A case study, International Journal of Academic Research in Education, 2(2), 01‐13. DOI: 10.17985/ijare.31432

[presentation] Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?

Hanan Khalil is presenting today our both research work concerning the interaction in MOOCS at 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Development “Future Visions for Higher Education Development”. Find here the slides of her talk “Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?“:

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[publication] E-Learning at Graz University of Technology – From Research to Practice

Im TU Graz weiten Journal “TU Graz research” sind wir mit einem Kurzbeitrag in der Ausgabe 01/2011 vertreten. Der Artikel ist in zwei Sprachen (englisch/deutsch) abgedruckt:

E-Learning an der TU Graz – Von der Forschung in die Praxis als Gesamtstrategie / E-Learning at Graz Univer…

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Reference: Ebner, M. (2011) E-Learning an der TU Graz – Von der Forschung in die Praxis als Gesamtstrategie, TU Graz research 01/2011, TU Graz, p. 36-39