Valentin Hagauer hat im Rahmen seiner Bachelorarbeit “Smartphones im Bildungssystem, eine kritische Betrachtung zur Zeit der Corona Pandemie” die Verwendung von Smartphones vor und in der CoVid-Pandemie hinterfragt. Als Ergebnis seiner Arbeit hat er unter anderem diese Infografik erstellt:
[publication] Indoor Navigation by WLAN Location Fingerprinting – Reducing Training-Efforts with Interpolated Radio Map
Our publication on “Indoor Navigation by WLAN Location Fingerprinting – Reducing Training-Efforts with Interpolated Radio Map” for this year UBICOMM conference is now online available.
Due to the fact that smartphones are today already used by about one out of seven persons worldwide and their capabilities concerning hardware and sensors are growing, many different indoor navigation solutions for smartphones exist. The solution presented in this paper is based on Wireless Local Area Network Location Fingerprinting. Fingerprinting is a method where signals at a number of specific points are measured once and stored in a database that is needed to determine the position later on. Measuring each and every fingerprint makes the off-line phase a complex and very time- intensive process, especially for big buildings. The bigger the building, the higher is the effort to create the map needed for the on-line phase to determine the position of a device. In order to cope with this complexity, an approach for optimizing the off-line phase is realized. The system substantially lowers the number of positions at which fingerprint measurements have to be taken by identifying ideal positions. All other non- measured fingerprints are determined by using a form of the Log-Distance Path Loss Model.
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Reference: Dutzler, R., Ebner, M., Brandner, R. (2013) Indoor Navigation by WLAN Location Fingerprinting – Reducing Training-Efforts with Interpolated Radio Map. In: UBICOMM 2013, The Seventh International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies. Narzt, W., Gordon-Ross, A. (editoros). p. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-61208-289-9
[presentation] Smarthphone based Indoor Navigation
Roland Dutzler did his masterthesis about “Smartphone based Indoor Navigation”. Find here the slides of his defense:
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[video] Samsung Galaxy Beam
Auf dem Mobile World Congress (MWC) hat Samsung das erste Android Smartphone vorgestellt mit einem Projektor an Board. Die Idee ist nicht neu, auch hat es schon verschiedene Prototypen gegeben, nur scheint es jetzt dass es in den Massenmarkt geht – sehr gut 🙂 :