[workshop] Making with Kids to Foster STEAM Education #edil19 #edmedia

I am happy that I can announce a workshop on “Making with Kids to Foster STEAM Education” at this year EdMedia + Innovate Learning conference in Amsterdam.


Some of Europe’s leading experts on making with children will share their experiences and different approaches within this joint workshop. The workshop will include presentations about teacher education within makerspaces at Graz University of Technologies (AT) as well as a short introduction about the first Maker Days for Kids in August 2018 for children aged 10-14 years. Participants will work with a set of tools and smaller maker projects. For example they can work with an BBC:MicroBit or an Ozobot for educational purposes. The examples shown were especially prepared for an open learning setting within a huge maker space environment. Interactive discussions will be the base to develop own future implementations.

So we would love to welcome you there. Here you can find all details about the workshop [Link to conference website]