[publication] Future Teacher Training of Several Universities with MOOCs as OER – Teaching in #COVID19 Pandemic. Stories from the field #imoox #mooc

#COVID19 was and is a big challenge for many people, for teachers as universities as well. And of course we love to share experiences we made or have seen at the TU Graz as well to enrich the contributions on teaching and learning with technologies in HEI.

This time we contributed to a book which collects 133 (!) experiences from colleagues worldwide, all available under CC BY NC ND. Please have look and check:


Our contribution describes:

To train future Austrian teachers in using digital media, a novel didactic design was implemented at several universities in Austria in summer semester 2019: The course includes the participation in a MOOC (massive open online course) on the topic, an accompanying group work at the universities and multiple-choice tests conducted at the universities. In the summer semester of 2020, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the group work and exams had to be switched to virtual space as well. Because the course materials are available under an open license, i.e. as open educational resources, further use is possible and offered.

Ebner, Martin & Schön, Sandra (2020). Remote Future Teacher Training with MOOCs. In: R.E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, E., R. Hartshorne, E. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza, C. (Ed). Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Pp. 493-497. Book is available under CC BY NC ND: https://www.learntechlib.org/p/216903/;. Preprint at ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342261714_Remote_Future_Teacher_Training_with_MOOCs

[CfP] Digital Innovations in Teacher Education

I just like to hint to an interesting Call for Papers titled “Digital Innovations in Teacher Education“. The University of Teacher Education Vienna in cooperation with the Reflecting Education Journal solicits original (research) papers framing pedagogic and didactic considerations, applicative scenarios or taxonomies in the field of technology-enhanced (language) learning and teaching within the context of teacher education/development.

There is little doubt that digital innovations have initiated a vivid discussion concerning the reformation or adaptation of higher education in general (cf. Wiley 2009, Strasser & Greller 2014). Especially in the field of teacher education, certain developments concerning a curricular implementation of digital technologies in initial teacher education and teacher training (including post-graduate teacher education, and continuing professional development/teacher development) can be noted. However, experts (cf. Wiley 2009, Siemens 2004) suggest that especially technological developments have often not been didactically implemented in teacher education/development curricula

The deadline for submission is February 7th, 2015 – find here the Call for Paper.