Yesterday, I presented our research about “Digital Transformation of Teaching and Perception at TU Graz from the Students’ Perspective: Developments from the last 17 Years” at the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning in Vienna. Here you can find my slides:
[workshop, publication] Successful transition from secondary to higher education using learning analytics #STELA #LearningAnalytics
For the first time we introduced our project STELA to a broader publid at the 44th SEFI conference in Finland. In our main focus is the transition from secondary to higher education using learning anlaytics.
The economic and financial crisis is having an important socio-economic effect in Europe and is threatening Europe’s economic growth model and employment and the sustainability of Europe’s welfare model. To counter the crisis, Europe should further evolve to a knowledge- driven and technology-based economy. This evolution however causes a rise in the demand for personnel with post-secondary education diploma, since many jobs in such a knowledge en technology-drive economy require at least a postsecondary education (Carnevale & Desrochers 2003). However, during the transition from secondary to higher education a lot of high-potential students drop out (Banger 2008).
[Full Workshop publication @ ResearchGate]
Reference: De Laet, T, Broos, T.,van Staalduinen, J.-P., Leitner, P., Ebner, M. (2016) Successful transition from secondary to higher education using learning analytics. 44th SEFI Conference, Tampere, Finland [.pdf]