Horizon Report 2021 – Teaching and Learning Edition #horizonreport #edtech #educationaltechnology

Jedes Jahr gibt uns der Horizon Report eine Idee was die derzeigen Trends und Entwicklungen im Berich Educational Technology weltweit sein. Aufgrund der CoVid19-Pandemie haben sich nun doch auch deutliche Änderungen ergeben oder es sind gänzlich neue Punkte aufgetreten, wie z. B das Thema der hybriden Lehre.

Kurzum ich kann nur empfehlen den Bericht anzusehen, aber wer gleich wissen möchte was die Key-Trends sind, hier sind diese einmal gelistet:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Blended and Hybrid Course Models
  • Learning Analytics
  • Microcredentialing
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Quality Online Learning

Besonders freut uns auch, dass auf S. 26 explizit auf das österreichisches Projekt Open Education Austria Advanced verwiesen wird:

Der Bericht kann hier heruntergeladen werden [Horizon Report 2021]

[publication] Higher Education Landscape 2030 #ahead #research

We are very happy that our research study on “Higher Education Landscape 2030” is now online available – published in Springer Briefs in Education via Open Access.

This open access Springer Brief provides a systematic analysis of current trends and requirements in the areas of knowledge and competence in the context of the project “(A) Higher Education Digital (AHEAD)—International Horizon Scanning / Trend Analysis on Digital Higher Education.” It examines the latest developments in learning theory, didactics, and digital-education technology in connection with an increasingly digitized higher education landscape. In turn, this analysis forms the basis for envisioning higher education in 2030.Here, four learning pathways are developed to provide a glimpse of higher education in 2030: Tamagotchi, a closed ecosystem that is built around individual students who enter the university soon after secondary education; Jenga, in which universities offer a solid foundation of knowledge to build on in later phases; Lego, where the course of study is not a monolithic unit, but consists of individually combined modules of different sizes; and Transformer, where students have already acquired their own professional identities and life experiences, which they integrate into their studies. In addition, innovative practice cases are presented to illustrate each learning path.

Book website

[book @ publisher’s website (open access)]
[book @ researchgate]

Reference: Orr, D., Luebcke, M., Schmidt, J.P., Ebner, M., Wannemacher, K., Ebner, M., Dohmen, D. (2020) Higher Education Landscape 2030. A Trend Analysis Based on the AHEAD International Horizon Scanning. SpringerBriefs in Education. 978-3-030-44896-7

[presentation] E-Learning Potentiale und Trends

Gestern durte ich im Rahmen der Veranstaltung “Unterricht digital und Zwischenbilanz lernreich 2.0” der Stiftung Bildungspakt Bayern (im schönen Fürstenfeldbruck) eine Keynote rund um E-Learning halten. Nun aber hurtig noch die Folien online stellen 🙂

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[publication] Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization

Our publication about “Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization” at this year ED-Media Conference is now online.

In this paper we have performed a content analysis using a collection of papers from Ed-Media conferences archive. Various current trends in research topics, change of interest in contributions from across the world in the field of e-learning have been described using our internally built visualization tool. This visualization tool reveals the evolution or decline of research themes, hot research topics and key researchers across the world. In addition to this, evolution of countries, continents and institutions across research topics has been described as well.

Reference: Khan, M. S., Ebner, M., Maurer, H. (2009) Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization, Proceedings of 21st ED-Media Conference (2009), S. 4408 – 4413; World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
Here you will get the publication.