My publication about “Is Twitter a Tool for Mass-Education?” at this year S-ICT conference in Vienna is now online available. The slides have been already published here.
Teaching as well as attending lectures in big lectures halls is an often-usual situation in middle European universities. Bearing in mind that a huge mass of learners leads to a decrease of lecture-student interactivity during lectures, the research work aims to enhance traditional face-to-face teaching by technology. The well-known and widely usedmicroblogging platform Twitter is used to display questions, notices and ideas on a wall just in time. Therefore a so-called TwitterWall is developed by Graz University of Technology concerning special pedagogical needs. Afterwards a first use in a big lecture is pointed out and discussed. The publication concluded that the use of Twitter in combination with specifics oftware can help to enhance lecture interactivity in mass-education.
Reference: Ebner, M. (2011), Is Twitter a Tool for Mass-Education?, 4th InternationalConference on Student Mobility and ICT, Vienna, p. 1-6