[app, iphone] Twitterwall #tugraz #iphone

Twittewall Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit ist die App Twitterwall entstanden, die eine mobile Lösung für unsere Twitterwall darstellt. Viel Spaß bei der Verwendung.

Die TwitterWall der TU Graz jetzt auch auf deinem iPhone! Die Tweets können unterwegs praktisch verfolgt werden. Tweets sind nach User und Keywords sortiert. Für eine schnellere Suche können Tweets über einen bestimmten Zeitbereich oder bestimmte Suchwörter gefiltert werden. Der Aktualisierungs-Intervall kann nach Belieben gesetzt werden.

[Link zur App im Appstore]

[publication] Is Twitter a Tool for Mass-Edcuation?

My publication about “Is Twitter a Tool for Mass-Education?” at this year S-ICT conference in Vienna is now online available. The slides have been already published here.

Teaching as well as attending lectures in big lectures halls is an often-usual situation in middle European universities. Bearing in mind that a huge mass of learners leads to a decrease of lecture-student interactivity during lectures, the research work aims to enhance traditional face-to-face teaching by technology. The well-known and widely usedmicroblogging platform Twitter is used to display questions, notices and ideas on a wall just in time. Therefore a so-called TwitterWall is developed by Graz University of Technology concerning special pedagogical needs. Afterwards a first use in a big lecture is pointed out and discussed. The publication concluded that the use of Twitter in combination with specifics oftware can help to enhance lecture interactivity in mass-education.

Is Twitter a Tool for Mass-Education?

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Reference: Ebner, M. (2011), Is Twitter a Tool for Mass-Education?, 4th InternationalConference on Student Mobility and ICT, Vienna, p. 1-6