[mooc] writing explained #imoox #tugraz

Nach der erfolgreichen MOOC “Tenses explained” startet auf iMooX.at der Nachfolge-MOOC mit dem Titel “writing explained“:

Nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung des Kurses sollen die Teilnehmer:innen in der Lage sein, die Grundzüge der im Kurs behandelten Textsorten situationsgerecht anzuwenden. Und zwar geht es um Informal E-Mail, Formal E-Mail und Essay. 

Natürlich ist die Teilnahme kostenlos: [Link zur kostenlosen Anmeldung]

[poster] Analysis of Misspellings in German Orthography in Grade 3 to 6 #iderblog #learninganalytics

At this year European Dyslexia Autumn Seminar 2018 in Munich, Germany Konstanze Edstadler introduced our IDeRBlog-project. Here you can find our poster:

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[publication] Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children #iderblog #LearningAnalytics

Our publication about “Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children” got published. We are describing our research project IDERblog and the results using learning analytics.


According to the NMC Horizon Report (Johnson et al. in Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition, Publications Office of the European Union, The New Media Consortium, Luxembourg, Austin, 2014 [1]), data-driven learning in combination with emerging academic areas such as learning analytics has the potential to tailor students’ education to their needs (Johnson et al. 2014 [1]). Focusing on this aim, this article presents a web-based (training) platform for German-speaking users aged 8–12.Our objective is to support primary-school pupils—especially those who struggle with the acquisition of the German orthography—with an innovative tool to improve their writing and spelling competencies. On this platform, which is free of charge, they can write and publish texts supported by a special feature, called the intelligent dictionary. It gives automatic feedback for correcting mistakes that occurred in the course of fulfilling a meaningful writing task. Consequently, pupils can focus on writing texts and are able to correct texts on their own before publishing them. Additionally, they gain deeper insights in German orthography. Exercises will be recommended for further training based on the spelling mistakes that occurred. This article covers the background to German orthography and its teaching and learning as well as details concerning the requirements for the platform and the user interface design. Further, combined with learning analytics we expect to gain deeper insight into the process of spelling acquisition which will support optimizing our exercises and providing better materials in the long run.

[Full Publication @ Springer Nature (Open Access)]

[Publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edtstadler, K., Ebner, M. (2017) Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children. Universal Access in the Information Society (2017). doi:10.1007/s10209-017-0564-6

[tool] EtherPad

Ein Tool über welches ich schon länger schreiben wollte ist EtherPad. Die Idee ist simpel und daher wahrscheinlich auch so genial:

EtherPad lets people collaborate on text in really real-time.

Also einfach online einen Raum erstellen, Personen dazu einladen und schön kann am gemeinsamen Text gearbeitet werden. Jeder Teilnehmer sieht in Realtime was die anderen schreiben und durch eine farbliche Markierung ist auch die Identifikation gegeben.
Interessant wenn man schnell ein Brainstorming machen möchte oder kurz einen Text gemeinsam verfassen will. Ich bin mir sicher, dass aber auch noch weitere Anwendungsfelder sich auftun. Also einfach mal ausprobieren, es lohnt sich 🙂 .