The association of “New Media in Education Austria” organized recently a special track on the topic “Young Academics in E-Learning Research“. Now you will find all contributions in a Special Issue of the “International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning” (iJET). Enjoy the great work of our academic youth and their ideas on Technology Enhanced Learning.
The special track “Young Academics in E-Learning Research”, shortly YAER2012, took place within the “International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning” (ICL 2012) in Villach, Austria. The conference slot aims to invite young researchers in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) to present their thesis or ongoing work. We asked for contributions, which address the interdisciplinary research field. YAER 2012 provided an excellent space for discussions in order to improve learning and teaching of tomorrow. Education without technology seems to be nearly impossible and this issue helps to increase the impact of technology for learning.