[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 18 / No.16 #ijet #research

Issue 18(16) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • A New Evolution Model for Collaborative Management of Knowledge Resources
  • The Requirements for Heutagogical Attunement within STEAM Education
  • Online Teaching Quality Evaluation: Entropy TOPSIS and Grouped Regression Model
  • Validation of a Didactic Model for the Understanding of Academic Texts in Virtual Higher Education
  • Learning-by-Doing Approach to Teach Microcontroller Course with Portable Training Board
  • Use of Games in ESP Classes: Perceptions from Students and Teachers
  • The Teacher of the Future
  • Distance Learning: GeoGebra-Learning Videos to Improving Mathematical Communication Ability
  • Expanding the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Consider Teachers Needs and Concerns in the Design of Educational Technology (EdTAM)
  • The Impact of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) on the Academic Progress and Success of EFL Jordanian Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study
  • Cognitive Status Analysis for Recognizing and Managing Students’ Learning Behaviors
  • Adoption of Internet of Things in the Higher Educational Institutions: Perspectives from South Africa
  • A Model to Predict and Analyze Students’ Learning Preferences and their Cognitive Development through Educational Big Data
  • Influence of Learning Intervention on Online Learners’ Performance
  • Hybrid Learning through Lecture Capture: Exploring Perspectives and Overcoming Challenges with Blackboard Encore Technology
  • Personalizing Students’ Learning Needs by a Teaching Decision Optimization Method

[Link to Issue 18/16]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[presentation] MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER – why we need it for the future of higher education! #keynote #conference

It was a pleasure to give a short keynote talk about “MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER – why we need it for the future of higher education!” at 9th International Conference on Computer Technology Applications (ICCTA 2023). Here you can find my slides.


[mooc] Basics in Tire Mechanics #imoox #tugraz #mechanic #free #open

Der MOOC zu “Basics in Tire Mechanics“, der in einer Kooperation der TU Graz mit der Chalmers University und dem Politecnico Milano als Excellence MOOC entstanden ist, lernt man im Rahmen von vier Lektionen die Grundlagen der Kraftübertragung von pneumatischen Reifen. Dieser startet heute und die Teilnahme ist natürlich kostenlos.

Ihr beschäftigt euch mit Fragestellungen in der Fahrzeugtechnik? Ich möchtet zum Beispiel das Beschleunigungs- und Bremsvermögen mit Hilfe von Fahrzeugmodellen simulieren? Oder ihr interessiert euch für Fahrdynamikregelungen und automatisiertes Fahren? Räder und Reifen sind notwendig, um Fahrzeuge zu beschleunigen, verzögern oder um die Kurve fahren zu lassen. Doch wie funktioniert die Kraftübertragung am Rad? Was sind die Einflussgrößen im Betrieb, die die Kraftübertragung beeinflussen? Und wie können diese gemessen werden? Alles zur Kraftübertragung am pneumatischen Reifen und weiteres mehr lernt ihr in diesem gemeinsamen Kurs von TU Graz, Chalmers Universität und Politecnico Milano kennen.


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[publication] Identifying the Essentials of Corporate MOOCs’ Application to the Leading Organizations #tugraz #research #MOOC

I am happy to announce our new article in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies for Learning about “Identifying the Essentials of Corporate MOOCs’ Application to the Leading Organizations“. I did this togehter with our international partners 🙂

The purpose of this study is to identify the essentials of corporate MOOCs’ application to the leading organizations. This basic research was conducted using a qualitative research synthesis technique. The statistical population includes documents retrieved by searching the Persian and Latin web databases (n=165) using a criterion sampling method (2013- 2020). A total of 73 sources were selected.  Theoretical saturation of themes was reached by the 48th sample. In order to collect data, the library research method was used. The collected data were then analyzed using a thematic analysis technique. Finally, to validate the proposed model, a total of 6 experts in different fields were selected using a purposive sampling method, and they approved the final model after modifications. Based on the research findings, the essentials identified include: the main personal, educational, and organizational themes. Clarification of the logic behind and reason for learning is among essentials in designing and formulating any learning from virtual training (e-learning). This is of paramount importance, especially in learning based on corporate MOOCs as an innovation and transformation towards training and improving human resources. This logic prevents the possible resistance of managers and officials, and even the organizations and corporations’ staff themselves to learning using corporate MOOCs.

[full article @ ResesarchGate]
[full article @ journal’s homepage]

Reference: Fathi Hafshejani, F., Zeinalipour, H. ., Ebner , M., Shikhi Fini, A. A., Fathi Vajargah , K. ., & Jafari, . E. . (2023). Identifying the Essentials of Corporate MOOCs’ Application to the Leading Organizations. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(03), pp. 143–159. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i03.33937

[publication] Handlungsfelder und attraktive Lösungen für Open Educational Resources im österreichischen Hochschulraum: Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt Open Education Austria Advanced #oer #oeaa #openaccess #openeducation

Nun ist auch unser Beitrag im Sonderheft “Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024” rund um das Open Education Austria Advanced Projekt erschienen.

Open Education Austria Advanced trägt zur Sichtbarmachung und Nutzung von Synergien aus Open Science und Open Education bei, um einen Beitrag zur freien Nutzung von Bildungsinhalten aus der Hochschullehre zu leisten und offene Praktiken analog zur Forschung zu etablieren (Open Access, Open Data). Es wird an attraktiven Lösungen für Open Educational Resources (OER) gearbeitet, welche u. a. den OERhub als Suchportal für OER aus dem gesamten Hochschulraum sowie den Aufbau lokaler OER-Repositorien, einer nationalen Zertifizierungsstelle und ein Qualifizierungsangebot umfassen. Der gezielte Wissenstransfer aus dem Projekt in die österreichischen Hochschulen an der Schnittstelle von Bibliotheken, Zentralen IT-Services und Einrichtungen für digitale Lehre stellt ein weiteres Handlungsfeld dar.

[Artikel @ Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung]
[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Ebner, M., Ganguly, R., Gröblinger, O., Hackl, C., Handle-Pfeiffer, D., Kopp, M., Neuböck, K., Schmölz, A., Schön, S., & Zwiauer, C. (2023). Handlungsfelder und attraktive Lösungen für Open Educational Resources im österreichischen Hochschulraum: Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt Open Education Austria Advanced . Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung , 18, 181-198. https://doi.org/10.3217/zfhe-SH-HL/10

[publication] Weiterbildung und Zertifizierung von Lehrenden. Varianten der Absprachen und Hochschulkooperation im deutschsprachigen Raum #OER #OpenEducation #OEAA

Unsere Publikation zu “Weiterbildung und Zertifizierung von Lehrenden. Varianten der Absprachen und Hochschulkooperation im deutschsprachigen Raum” im Rahmen des Buches “Uncertainty in Higher Education, Hochschulen in einer von Volatilität geprägten Welt” ist nun erschienen.

Lehrende an Hochschulen bilden sich weiter und können sich ihre Kompetenzen mit Teilnahmebescheinigungen und anderen Zertifikaten bestätigen lassen. Hochschuldidaktische Kompetenzen oder auch Sprachkenntnisse werden so in Habilitationsverfahren oder beim Arbeitgeberwechsel nachweisbar. Für Lehrende an Fachhochschulen, Pädagogischen Hochschulen und Universitäten gibt es dabei unterschiedliche Angebote, auch hochschuleigene und hochschulübergreifende. In diesem Beitrag werden sechs Fallbeispiele aus Deutschland und Österreich vorgestellt, bei denen mindestens zwei Hochschulen Kooperationen eingegangen sind: Es werden im Beitrag Vereinbarungen vorgestellt, die es Hochschulen erleichtern sollen, fremde Teilnahmebescheinigungen angemessen zu berücksichtigen und auch eine Reihe von Kooperationsformen, bei denen Hochschulen gemeinsam Weiterbildungsprogramme und Zertifikate anbieten. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Darstellung von Formen und Motiven der Hochschulkooperationen bei Weiterbildungen für die (eigenen) Lehrenden.

[Homepage des Buches]
[Preprint @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Sandra Schön, Martin Ebner, Elfriede Berger, Gerhard Brandhofer, Ortrun Gröblinger, Tanja Jadin, Michael Kopp, Alexander Schmölz und Hans-Peter Steinbacher (2023). Weiterbildung und Zertifizierung von Lehrenden. Varianten der Absprachen und Hochschulkooperation im deutschsprachigen Raum. In: Attila Pausits, Magdalena Fellner, Elke Gornik, Karl Ledermüller, Bianca Thaler (Hrsg.), Uncertainty in Higher Education, Hochschulen in einer von Volatilität geprägten Welt, Studienreihe Hochschulforschung Österreich, Band 4,Waxmann, S. 233-248

[publicaton] Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review #ai #chatgpt #tugraz #research

We did a first rapid literature review about chatGPT is used in education settings. Our paper titled “Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review” for the EDMedia and Innovative 2023 conference in Vienna is now online available.

Abstract: The usage of AI, more precisely ChatGPT, is almost embedded in our everyday routine. It reduces the time, effort, and cost of performing boring and now also very delicate tasks. It appears that ChatGPT knows everything and knows how to explain everything in a personalized and peculiar way, adjusted to the user’s preferences. In this paper, we will explore how ChatGPT can be used in higher education and what its limitations are, if any at all. We shall endeavor to examine both the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT in education and state of the art. We will use a literature review as our research method to explore and find the necessary answers. We will explore and use various scientific articles, newspaper articles, blog posts, and other relevant literature from many authors. Our results and conclusion will show how to use ChatGPT in the best way in education and what to look out for now that ChatGPT is still available to everyone.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[publication @ AACE]

Reference: Jahic, I., Ebner, M. & Schön, S. (2023). Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education – a first rapid literature review. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1462-1470). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222670/

With this post, I get to end the 2022/23 academic year and say goodbye to summer vacation. I will recover on the mountains and who wants to know where I’m just hanging around, can look at my tours: [My Homepage @ Alpenverein]
Will be back with end of August – cu 🙂

[publication] Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning #ijet #chatbot

Our publication “Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning” got published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologien in Learning.

This study aims to develop the Gramabot application as a means of online learning during the pandemic and to examine its effectiveness as a medium for German grammar learning. The design-based research uses learning experience design methodology. Beside an introduction of the state of the art of chatbots for language learning, the paper describes the concept of the chatbot application and its evaluation. Prior experiences with chatbots, implementation experiences and evaluations insights were obtained from 36 Indonesian students with beginner level German language skills. The data were described using qualitative and simple descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the analysis show that most of the respondents are familiar with several chatbot applications, the use of chatbots is not as a learning medium, but as a means of asking questions about products. In addition, String Matching is a suitable method used to develop Gramabot. Based on the results of the evaluation, it can be concluded that Gramabot can help students understand basic level grammatical material.

[article @ journal’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kharis, M., Schön, S., Hidayat, E., Ardiansyah , R. ., & Ebner, M. (2022). Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning . International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(14), pp. 52–63. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v17i14.31323

[publication] MicroCredentials – the Next Big Step to Open Higher Education for the Society #microcredentials #tugraz

I just wrote a short essay about “MicroCredentials – the Next Big Step to Open Higher Education for the Society” for the Education Technology Insights journal and described our ideas about the future of microcredentials together with iMooX.at

[article @ journal’s website]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M. (2022) MicroCredentials – the Next Big Step to Open Higher Education for the Society. Education Technology Insights