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[presentation] Web 2.0, Kommunikation, Vernetzung

Im Rahmen der österreichweiten Demonstrationsbewegung #unsereuni bin ich gebeten worden an der TU Graz einem Plenumsvortrag rund um das Thema Web 2.0 und die Auswirkung auf die Gesellschaft zu halten. Ich habe dabei versucht aufzuzeigen, welche Auswirkungen das Web 2.0 bereits hat und mittels Beispielen auch greifbar zu machen. Hier einmal meine Folien:

Und hier der Livestream auf UStream:

Hier gibt es noch weitere Fotos des Events.

[publication] Seeing the System through the End Users’ Eyes: Shadow Expert Technique for Evaluating the Consistency of a Learning Management System

Our publication at this year USAB Conference “Usability & HCI Learning from the Extreme” about “Seeing the System through the End Users’ Eyes: Shadow Expert Technique for Evaluating the Conistency of a Learning Management System” is now online available.

Interface consistency is an important basic concept in web design and has an effect on performance and satisfaction of end users. Consistency also has significant effects on the learning performance of both expert and novice end users. Consequently, the evaluation of consistency within a e-learning system and the ensuing eradication of irritating discrepancies in the user interface redesign is a big issue. In this paper, we report of our experiences with the Shadow Expert Technique (SET) during the evaluation of the consistency of the user interface of a large university learning management system. The main objective of this new usability evaluation method is to understand the interaction processes of end users with a specific system interface. Two teams of usability experts worked independently from each other in order to maximize the objectivity of the results. The outcome of this SET method is a list of recommended changes to improve the user interaction processes, hence to facilitate high consistency.

Reference: Holzinger, A.; Stickel, C.; Fassold, M.; Ebner, M.: Seeing the System through the End Users’ Eyes: Shadow Expert Technique for Evaluating the Consistency of a Learning Management System. – in: HCI and Usability for eInclusion. 5th Symposium of of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5889. (2009), S. 178 – 192

[presentation] Seeing the System through the End Users’ Eyes: Shadow Expert Technique for Evaluating the Conistency of a Learning Management System

Our presentation at this year USAB Conference “Usability & HCI Learning from the Extreme” is now online available. The title is “Seeing the System through the End Users’ Eyes: Shadow Expert Technique for Evaluating the Conistency of a Learning Management System” and we are showing our Usability investigations concerning consistency.

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[publication] Higher Education m-Learning and e-Learning Scenarios for a Geospatial Wiki

Our publication about “Higher Education m-Learning and e-Learning Scenarios for a Geospatial Wiki” at this year E-Learn Conference is now online available. We are very proud to announce that we also won the Best Paper Award.

Several fields of higher education, like geology, architecture, or civil engineering, rely on visual information in the context of learning, a considerable part of it moreover location-based. Geotagging, a phenomenon recently spreading through he online and mobile world, offers innovative possibilities to support teachers and learners in such fields. One such approach is the composition of geotagged information with a collaborative environment – a so-called geowiki. A prototype for an educational geowiki, TUGeoWiki, has been developed at Graz University of Technology. This publications outlines possible application scenarios for TUGeoWiki in higher education, taking into account e-Learning as well as m-Learning scenarios.

Reference: Safran, C.; Ebner, M.; Garcia-Barrios, V. M.; Kappe, F. (2009) Higher Education M-Learning and E-Learning Scenarios for a Geospatial Wiki. – in: E-Learn – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education ; 2009 (2009)

EduCamp Graz – Letzter Aufruf :-)

educamp_logoDas ist der letzte Aufruf zur aktiven Teilnahme am morgigen EduCamp hier in Graz.
Der voraussichtliche Programmplan und der Veranstaltungsort, damit auch wirklich jeder herfindet.
Es erwarten euch, neben spannenden Sessions und Diskussionen:

  • Keynote “Mobility in Education
  • Wissenschaftscouch von Thomas Sporer
  • T-Shirts vom EduCamp
  • Twitter Stream – bitte die Hashtags #ecg09 oder #educamp09 verwenden

Hier gibt es auch noch einen Kurzbericht auf futurezone.orf.
Also dann hoffentlich auf ein Wiedersehen morgen – das gesamte Team freut sich schon wahnsinnig.

Mobility in Education at EduCamp Graz

educamp_logoWe are very proud to be able to announce the topic of our keynote “Mobility in Education” at this year EduCamp here in Graz.

Detailed Information

Educational content creation, distribution and access is key to 21st century learning. At the same time mobility is a fact of modern life style and therefore a requirement for technologies around e-learning. We are going to present the value on Mobility in Education.

Venue Details:

Topic: Mobility in Education
Date: Friday 06, 2009 / 14.00 (CEST) / HS i7 / Inffeldgasse 25 / TU Graz
Moderation: Martin Ebner
Link to Venue and Registration: Time Table of EduCamp Graz
Registration: Link
Details:: EduCamp Graz

TU Graz goes iTunes U

iTunesUSeit heute ist auch die TU Graz in iTunes U vertreten – es werden hier Inhalte aus der Lehre, Forschung oder einfach rund um die TU Graz präsentiert.

Weiters haben wir versucht auch rundherum einiges anzubieten – es gibt also:

Wir hoffen, dass wir damit einen weiteren Schritt Richtung offener Universität setzen konnten und freuen uns wahnsinnig auf Feedback.